Sony Picture’s Death At A Funeral Invites You To Make Your Own Eulogy Dan Koelsch, March 24, 2010March 24, 2010 Director Neil LaBute has helmed some pretty strange (Wicker Man) and awful (Lakeview Terrace) films, but next month’s Death at a Funeral seems to be the most ill-conceived of them all. However, this is a star-filled remake of the 2007 British comedy that continues the odd pairing of death and humor, this time focusing a black family. Find out how Sony Pictures is letting you get in on the fun (?) after the jump. When you go to, you can write your own eulogy, Mad Libs style. You pick the gender then switch out words and phrases given to you in a eulogy. Once you’re done, Chris Rock will actually read the eulogy aloud with church music behind him while looking like a Jib Jab video. It’s funny, creepy, and maybe just wrong. Here’s one I made myself: Watch. What do you think of the site and unusual game? Let us know in the comments below. Death at a Funeral opens nationwide on April 16th. Viral Marketing Chris RockDanny GloverDean CraigDeath at a FuneralLuke WilsonMad LibsMartin LawrenceNeil LaButeTracy MorganZoe Saldana
Latest Clone Wars Trailer Incorporates More Viral September 15, 2009A little over a week ago, I reported a viral interview that had conducted with Clone Wars bounty hunter Cad Bane. The viral was the first from the Star Wars universe to my knowledge, and I was hopeful more would emerge as the premiere for the show’s next season… Read More
Mission Icefly: Traelek Institute Has a Website July 1, 2011The latest development in the Test Subjects Needed ARG has been a new viral website called Survival Code. As we stated earlier today, once you set up your profile on the new site, you get access to 5 pages of a comic book. These pages feature the fictional Traelek Institute,… Read More
2012 Viral: iPhone App and the IHC on Charlie Frost August 6, 2009August 6, 2009Looks like The Institute for Human Continuity has heard of Mr. Charlie Frost. Frost posted on his blog a video from a woman asking what separates the IHC from “the crazy guy on the corner”? Dr. Soren replies with a very thorough and diplomatic answer. Seems simple enough, but this… Read More