Tron Legacy Viral Updates, Extended In-game Interview Nick Butler, March 30, 2010December 3, 2010 Tron Legacy saw a few significant updates today including the unedited IGN interview with Alan Bradley, the Executive Consultant of Encon International. In addition, is getting their preparations ready for the Encom press conference which is only a few days away. Check out the video and how you can get involved after the jump. updated today talking about the upcoming April 2nd Encom International press conference saying the following:The suits over at Encom International are gearing up to make some grand pronouncement on April 2nd at the Justin Herman Plaza in San Francisco. Looks like some notable figures will be in attendance, namely Alan Bradley and some of the executive wing of the company. We can’t wait to hear what Mr. Bradley has to say – as for the rest of them, we’re sure it’s the same old song-and-dance. They haven’t acknowledged Kevin Flynn for decades, so why would they start now?In addition, the FlynnLives discussion boards updated with the following announcement, basically saying how you can get involved:OK, you’ve all seen the press release – Encom press conference, San Francisco, Justin Herman Plaza, April 2nd, 8pm. But, we’re going to meet up a bit earlier. An old friend of mine hooked us up with a meeting spot right next to the event. We’ve got the Grand Ballroom at the Hyatt Regency from 6:15-7:45. Bring your Encom badges if you have them – if not – come anyway. We need as many people as we can get to help!Also, as I noted the unedited IGN interview with Alan Bradley was released today. It’s interesting to say the least; I enjoy how it goes more in-depth on Kevin Flynn. Check that video out here. Let us know what you think, leave your comments below.If you’re attending the press conference and want to help us report on it, feel free to email me and we can set something up. Viral Marketing Alan BradleyFlynn LivesIGNinterviewKevin FlynnPress ConferenceTron Legacy
Fake S’lebSuit Commercial Used To Promote HBO’s Paparazzi Documentary October 1, 2010Adrian Grenier (Entourage) directed and co-stars in the documentary called Teenage Paparazzo, which chronicles the life of 14-year-old Austin Visschedyk a full-fledged member of the paparazzi. The film debuted on HBO this Wednesday, and last week a fake long-form commercial debuted online to promote it. The ad is for a… Read More
Surrogates: Interviews and iPhone App September 19, 2009September 19, 2009A few tidbits on Surrogates this weekend. First, Trailer Addict has several short interviews with the cast and crew, including the stars of the film Bruce Willis and Radha Mitchell. Willis, in as monotone a voice as possible, talks briefly about what interested him in doing the film and goes… Read More
Sony Pushes “RoboCop” Viral Marketing Campaign At CES January 8, 2014When you have a product to present at CES, it is most likely to use cutting edge technology that will likely change the way people live. Sony is no stranger to that. They are one of the premier technology companies. But when you have a movie like RoboCop hitting theaters… Read More
Pretty cool move to let fans witness and participate in events leading up to the movie. Getting to help restore Alan Bradley’s position at the head of Encom in time for the movies release is a damn nifty idea and can only increase anticipation for the movie even more (if that’s possible). Disney and 42e have really done an excellent job of hitting this thing out of the park so far. Keep it up guys!