Comic-Con iPhone App Now Supports WonderCon 2010 Dan Koelsch, April 2, 2010June 6, 2010 Comic-Con International has had an iPhone/iPod Touch App since last year, and not only is it a great source of updates for the events the organization has every year, it’s also a great companion to have during the conventions. Yesterday, developer Elemental Bits LLC updated the App to fully support WonderCon 2010. Just in time, as the event starts today. The free app is available on iTunes, and covers Comic-Con, WonderCon, and APE (Alternative Press Expo). The updates for WonderCon allow you to see the full progam schedule and actually create your own schedule with a “favorite” function. You also have access to all the exhibitors, maps of all the exhibit and progam areas, and the latest announcements. There is also a nice list of direct links to information on the Comic-Con website that the app may not have. (Click images for full size) If you’re at WonderCon and looking to make the most out of it, this is definitely the app to have (assuming you have an iPod Touch or iPhone). The app now supports the iPad, but I doubt many people at the convention will picking one up when Apple’s new device releases Saturday. If you’re at WonderCon today, let us know what you thought of all the exhibits and programs, and check out our WonderCon 2010 Preview! Comic-Con Events Comic-ConiPadiPhoneWondercon
Comic-Con Saturday Programming Schedule Announced July 10, 2010July 11, 2010Comic-Con International is releasing their daily schedules for San Diego Comic-Con exactly two weeks before each day occurs, so today we have the Saturday July 24th schedule. The day jammed pack with goodness, so after the jump we’ll highlight a few of the programs from the day that peak our… Read More
Comic-Con 2013 Preview Night Photo Gallery July 17, 2013Tonight was Preview Night for San Diego Comic-Con, and it seems like it just gets busier every year. We pushed through the masses to get a some images both inside and outside the Convention Center. Check out our gallery after the break. Read More
Battle: Los Angeles – Classic Sony Viral At Comic-Con July 21, 2010January 19, 2011Once you create a website, that is obviously far from the title of the film, you enter this wonderful world of viral marketing. And then, there is Sony. They seem to go their own route. The route of luring you into this amazing feeling of finding something above and beyond… Read More