E! Online Helps Save One Bubble Show With Your Vote Dan Koelsch, April 5, 2010April 5, 2010 Every spring the television networks have to decide what shows to bring back for the fall schedule, and every spring fans desperately try to save their favorites that are on the bubble. Fortunately, they got someone watching their backs with E! Online. Find out how they are helping you save your favorite series from cancellation. E! Online is hosting a competition in which your votes will decide what show the E! organization will push to stay on the air. The field has already been narrowed down to five, with Better Off Ted, Chuck, Life Unexpected, One Tree Hill, and Parenthood as the finalists. However, if your favorite show is on the bubble, but not on the list, you still have a shot. You can tweet E! Online’s Kristin Dos Santos with one of the shows listed as a wild card on the Save One Show page, and whichever show gets the most tweets gets entered back into the finals. E! Online will announce the winner on Monday April 12th, when they make the big push on their E! news shows and even to the winning network itself. The winner doesn’t necessarily get a free pass, however, as The Sarah Connor Chronicles won last year and was still cancelled (whereas runner up Chuck survived). My favorite to stay is Human Target (which is a wild card). What about you? Viral Marketing Better Off TedChuckE!Human TargetLife UnexpectedOne Tree HillParenthoodSave One ShowThe Sarah Connor Chronicles
ARGs & Campaigns Let Me In Wraps Up Viral Campaign With Behind the Scenes Footage and a Blast From The Past September 11, 2010September 11, 2010We have one more viral reveal for Overture’s Let Me In, and fortunately it’s not as difficult to get to. If you type in one of the posters’ taglines, “Innocence Dies, Abby Doesn’t”, as a URL, you get a behind-the-scenes clip hosted on the site’s Facebook app. MovieViral has also… Read More
Comic-Con: True Blood Comic Released July 22, 2010July 22, 2010For those lucky enough to be attending Comic-Con this week, head along to the IDW booth. There you’ll be able to get your hands on 2 limited edition copies of the new True Blood comic book that has been released to compliment the successful HBO TV show. Read More
Check Out This Fan Art for The Boondock Saints March 17, 2010March 17, 2010As our contributing editor Scott will tell you, The Boondock Saints film series draws a huge cult following. The film’s visceral style lends itself to different artistic representations, and after the break we have a great video showing you the making of one of those pieces. The canvas was made… Read More