Viral Video: DVD Commentary The Movie Dan Koelsch, April 6, 2010 I love DVD commentaries, but when I watch a movie with the commentary on, it sort of takes over the film. College Humor has a great video lampooning the practice, and you can watch it after the jump. See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor. Viral Marketing DVD CommentaryViral video
Find Subject Zero – What Does it Mean? June 6, 2010June 7, 2010Many of you know that we at MovieViral love a great viral campaign in hopes to what it may or may not bring to the big screen. But every now and then, we branch out of film, and move into other forms of entertainment, based on it’s quality. We saw… Read More
A Shortened ‘Avengers’ Teaser Assembles On Yahoo! July 29, 2011In a surprising move, Paramount has released a condensed version of the final scene from Captain America: The First Avenger, along with a shortened cut of The Avengers teaser trailer that was shown following Captain America’s credits. While bootleg versions of the teaser have been circulating the net for a… Read More
Marketing For Disney’s “Tangled” Picks Up With Double Rainbow Parody September 8, 2010If Disney’s Tangled, an animated alternative tale of Rapunzel, has proved anything, it’s that Disney has a unique marketing department. So far it’s been all concept art and no new trailers (with actual scenes from the movie) or even tidbits of its musical numbers. Now, seemingly out of nowhere, they… Read More