Check Out This Real Life Jarvis From Iron Man Dan Koelsch, April 7, 2010April 7, 2010 The Boston Globe has a story about a 27 year old tech support worker named Chad Barraford who created a “digital life assistant”. What’s interesting about the story is that the assistant is a computer program that communicates with Chad and is integrated with his home, similar to the JARVIS (Just a Rather Very Intelligent System) program in Iron Man. In fact, that’s where Chad got the idea for what he calls “Project Jarvis”. Check out a video of Jarvis in action after the jump. The program can’t do everything Jarvis does in Iron Man, but it’s not too far off. Here’s how Chad describes the system on his Project Jarvis blog:Project Jarvis is a digital life assistant (DLA). He uses mainly human communications means such as Twitter, instant message, and voice to create a two way connection between me and my apartment, controlling lights and appliances, notify me of breaking news, Facebook notifications, personal finances, package tracking, netflix, bittorrenting, assist in cooking, check stock quotes, weather, and more. Not bad for a software running on a Mac Mini. You can read more about Project Jarvis at or at Chad’s Project Jarvis blog, where he also has more videos of Jarvis at work. Viral Marketing Iron ManIron Man 2Jarvis
Nation’s Pride – Inglourious Basterds Viral August 4, 2009If you head over to Apple Trailers, you may see a foreign film posted in the trailers. Never heard of Nation’s Pride? It’s a WWII picture that is based off of Fredrick Zoller. Really? You never heard of it? Unless you’re up on your Tarantino, you may not have. This… Read More
“Silicon Valley” Landing Page Is A Hilariously Effective Marketing Gag April 23, 2014Generally when a marketing team has a technology-based film or show, they would embrace those themes by creating fake websites, landing pages, etc. We’ve seen in it a bit of David Fincher’s The Social Network, and now we are seeing it again for HBO’s latest comedy Silicon Valley. The show… Read More
SNL Rips on Newt Gingrich, NFL, Guy Fieri, and More February 5, 2012NBC’s Saturday Night Live had a new episode last night featuring Channing Tatum as host. There were plenty of TV and movie-related skits, so see them all after the break. Read More