GKNOVA6: “Classified Announcement SOMD” – New Code! Nick Butler, April 9, 2010April 10, 2010 We posted an article a little earlier about the second transmission that appeared on GKNOVA6.com. The new video included a code that has since been deciphered as “Classified Announcement Sold,” however a commenter pointed out in our article it may very well be “Classified Announcement SOMD.” We have that classified announcement after the break.The commenter, Justin, points out that we actually had the wrong answer to the code – off by one letter. Instead of “Sold” it’s “Somd”. That lead him to SOMD.com, a website for Southern Maryland (which is where the packages were sent from, coincidentally), basically used for local news, event planning and so on. The announcement was within this site. If you go to the site, click “Classifieds” > “Announcements” > “PSAs” > And then you’ll find it.The classified announcement reads:NOVA Posted by: Eve Reign on Friday, 9 April 2010, at 3:20 p.m.LWLXRMSYWN.GVVOXXPXBVOKTPXAVSFTMBK -AONTHLRDOF.DHXSWEJHCQSQFWTCZUBCAMLWLXRMSYWN.LRDOFUINENYMGNPBMSYWNHAM, -YFTTXEWPGJL.XVORLUINEASPTCZUBJWGILVFLWLXRBGG.CCGRNYMGNAEMOWXAAGMSYWNGVVO, -GCYSRZYKXR.YBCBGCYGVVOXDOKSWEJUINELWLXRMSYWN.XVORLCCGRAONTHLVFCWKYG, -FMFWCMXIMX.RTLHGPBWTMBKNSNTZBIMXXPXSQFW.HYORVPAKYHAMCAMMBKAONTH, MUZOWHYORV.CAMIGRAONTHLRDOFHYORVOAVBMYou can find me at the Cheeping River. It’s near the Cheering Viper.It still hasn’t been cracked – why Justin turned to us – so get working! We’ll be posting updates on this article as the come in, and make sure you follow me on twitter for the latest.UPDATE 10:05PM: MrToasty deciphered the code using the key “sputnik”:THREEEIGHT.NINEFIVEONESEVENNINESIX -SEVENSEVEN.ONEFOURSIXFIVEEIGHTSIXTHREEEIGHT.SEVENFOURFOURTWOEIGHTONE, -ONEZEROFOUR.EIGHTFOURSIXEIGHTZEROSIXTHREETWO.NINEFOURTHREEEIGHTEIGHTNINE, -ONEZEROSIX.FOURONENINEFOURFOURFOURTHREEEIGHT.EIGHTNINESEVENSIXSEVEN, -SEVENSEVEN.ZEROTHREESIXFIVEFIVEFIVEFIVE.SEVENFIVEONESIXSIXSEVEN, THREESEVEN.SIXONESEVENSEVENSEVENEIGHTSo, that’s: 38.951796, -77.146586 – CIA Headquarters 38.744281, -104.846806 – NORAD 32.943889, -106.419444 – White Sands (Missile Complex) 38.89767, -77.03655 – White House 55.751667, 37.617778 – Ivanovskaya ploshchad, Russian FederationUPDATE: While reviewing my site’s referrers (people who’ve linked to MovieViral.com) I found an interesting link. I should point out I remember seeing it BEFORE we had this code, but thought nothing of it at the time (assumed it was a college website). My guess is that the site, SOMD, was contacted before had inquiring whether or not they (marketers) could use the site for a code. My best guess is they included a link to my article comparing what games this campaign may be for in that inquiry. Here’s the link that referred to MovieViral.com: http://help.somd.com/admin/main.php?action=view_ticket&id=55719-7009040544. Here’s how they submitted the help ticket. Viral Marketing Call of DutyGKNOVA6Singularity
The Office: Jim & Pam’s Wedding Site and More! September 22, 2009September 22, 2009NBC’s hit TV show The Office is well known for being one of the modern pioneers of viral content in the television industry. The show’s webisodes have been a hit with it’s fans, some of the characters are on Twitter, and NBC’s page for The Office has always had additional… Read More
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@bRYAN: Yeah, that one took alot of us for a loop. We did alot of checking into that and it pretty much went nowhere. For example, if you google “gknova.com” it will lead you here; http://larryslimosedans.com/ which says it’s “Under ‘Constraction’ by GKnova.com”. This “larryslimosedans” website is also strange but actually belongs to someone named “Gokhan Karakus” who owns, or owned the upstart web design company “gknova.com”. Also, on the larryslimosedans website there is a phone number in big bold letters right on the front page, I called this number and don’t think the person that answered has any idea what I was talking about. It was as if the website was abandoned long ago and the phone number had long been re-issued or something. I just don’t think there’s any connection there and if there is, I certainly can’t find it….
Yeah I’m not sure about that one. I looked up the area code on the phone number and its a Florida area code.
i found that the server location is in utah and earlier we were saying that the letter came from maryland so what can we say about that?
I’m just a troll. I’m amazed at the ability of those that have deciphered these clues. You are all truly brilliant.That being said, it seems strange that there hasn’t been a recent update to gknova6.com. It seemed like things were happening so fast and now there is nothing. I know that one of the clues was something regarding the 2nd week of April. I was kind of hoping to see something new by the 14th. Maybe the 2nd full week in April?It almost seems like there must be some more information that is being overlooked somehow. Has anyone done any analysis on the strange noises that have been in all of the recordings? I saw something on a COD7 site that said that the morse code for COD7 was in one of the recordings. I don’t hear any blatant morse code so I was wondering if it could be in one of the weird beeps or bloops. Maybe it would be audible if it was slowed down or something.I don’t know. I just feel like there is something there that is being missed.
@Shaffta: Couldn’t agree more, I’ve been running the audio files we have so far from the envelope and the gknova6 site through all kinds of manipulation. Reversing them, playing them slowly, looking at them in spetrogram and so on. Nothing has yielded anything except either more strangeness that may or may not have connections or just plain dead ends. There are just so many clues within the information we’ve received that no one except for us peons try and make any sense out of. Hell, even over at the unfiction forums the administrators have kinda hinted at the fact that we should just wait for the “big clues” and that the things in between really don’t mean anything in typical ARG’s. Well, this one doesn’t strike me as your typical ARG and it is my opinion that the people who put it together, put the extra clues in between the lines for a reason and did not intend to create yet another “hurry up and wait ARG”. That’s just my opinion though….
Second week of april could be a reference to the first battle of the Civil War, It took place from the 12th into the 13th at fort sumter in virginia if I remember correctly let me know it this helps.
video 3 is out and so far the only thing that i can get is a quote from marie courie, i havent found a cipher for it but it should be a clue
i looked at all of the events that happened in the 2nd week of april. i was only looking for ones that were cold war/viet nam related.April 5th, 1951: Ethel and Julius Rosenberg are sentenced to death for performing espionage for the Soviet Union April 5th, 1956: Fidel Castro declares himself at war with the President of Cuba. April 5th, 1969: Massive antiwar demonstrations occur in many U.S. cities.April 7th, 1954: President Dwight D. Eisenhower gives his “domino theory” speech during a news conference.There are probably more than that but those are the ones i found interesting.
new postings 4th and 5th r up. 5th is radio frequency. get those computer programs out NOVA.SR 2010032 this is something i found it yields no results though
You guys amaze me with how well you can figure these things out, keep looking & you’ll get you want! 🙂