GKNOVA6: “Classified Announcement SOMD” – New Code! Nick Butler, April 9, 2010April 10, 2010 We posted an article a little earlier about the second transmission that appeared on GKNOVA6.com. The new video included a code that has since been deciphered as “Classified Announcement Sold,” however a commenter pointed out in our article it may very well be “Classified Announcement SOMD.” We have that classified announcement after the break.The commenter, Justin, points out that we actually had the wrong answer to the code – off by one letter. Instead of “Sold” it’s “Somd”. That lead him to SOMD.com, a website for Southern Maryland (which is where the packages were sent from, coincidentally), basically used for local news, event planning and so on. The announcement was within this site. If you go to the site, click “Classifieds” > “Announcements” > “PSAs” > And then you’ll find it.The classified announcement reads:NOVA Posted by: Eve Reign on Friday, 9 April 2010, at 3:20 p.m.LWLXRMSYWN.GVVOXXPXBVOKTPXAVSFTMBK -AONTHLRDOF.DHXSWEJHCQSQFWTCZUBCAMLWLXRMSYWN.LRDOFUINENYMGNPBMSYWNHAM, -YFTTXEWPGJL.XVORLUINEASPTCZUBJWGILVFLWLXRBGG.CCGRNYMGNAEMOWXAAGMSYWNGVVO, -GCYSRZYKXR.YBCBGCYGVVOXDOKSWEJUINELWLXRMSYWN.XVORLCCGRAONTHLVFCWKYG, -FMFWCMXIMX.RTLHGPBWTMBKNSNTZBIMXXPXSQFW.HYORVPAKYHAMCAMMBKAONTH, MUZOWHYORV.CAMIGRAONTHLRDOFHYORVOAVBMYou can find me at the Cheeping River. It’s near the Cheering Viper.It still hasn’t been cracked – why Justin turned to us – so get working! We’ll be posting updates on this article as the come in, and make sure you follow me on twitter for the latest.UPDATE 10:05PM: MrToasty deciphered the code using the key “sputnik”:THREEEIGHT.NINEFIVEONESEVENNINESIX -SEVENSEVEN.ONEFOURSIXFIVEEIGHTSIXTHREEEIGHT.SEVENFOURFOURTWOEIGHTONE, -ONEZEROFOUR.EIGHTFOURSIXEIGHTZEROSIXTHREETWO.NINEFOURTHREEEIGHTEIGHTNINE, -ONEZEROSIX.FOURONENINEFOURFOURFOURTHREEEIGHT.EIGHTNINESEVENSIXSEVEN, -SEVENSEVEN.ZEROTHREESIXFIVEFIVEFIVEFIVE.SEVENFIVEONESIXSIXSEVEN, THREESEVEN.SIXONESEVENSEVENSEVENEIGHTSo, that’s: 38.951796, -77.146586 – CIA Headquarters 38.744281, -104.846806 – NORAD 32.943889, -106.419444 – White Sands (Missile Complex) 38.89767, -77.03655 – White House 55.751667, 37.617778 – Ivanovskaya ploshchad, Russian FederationUPDATE: While reviewing my site’s referrers (people who’ve linked to MovieViral.com) I found an interesting link. I should point out I remember seeing it BEFORE we had this code, but thought nothing of it at the time (assumed it was a college website). My guess is that the site, SOMD, was contacted before had inquiring whether or not they (marketers) could use the site for a code. My best guess is they included a link to my article comparing what games this campaign may be for in that inquiry. Here’s the link that referred to MovieViral.com: http://help.somd.com/admin/main.php?action=view_ticket&id=55719-7009040544. Here’s how they submitted the help ticket. Viral Marketing Call of DutyGKNOVA6Singularity
Watch Michael Cera Get a Jersey Shore Makeover January 9, 2010February 18, 2011So, there’s this video going around on YouTube that has actor Michael Cera hanging out with the cast of MTV’s “Jersey Shore”, which is apparently part of their most recent episode. The appearance is meant to be a promotion for Cera’s new film Youth in Revolt, opening this weekend, but… Read More
2012: Ulfert Wants You to Tweet October 9, 2009As we wait for the rest of the clues from the drop locations to come in, Soren Ulfert has a request of us. In his latest video on his blog, Soren asks that everyone who is following the conspiracy add #TheIHC2012 to their Twitter statuses in order to make it… Read More
Check this out: Post-2012 World Leader July 20, 2009July 20, 2009That’s right! The IHC (Institute for Human Continuity) has announced they are looking for the new world leader following the end of the world, as we know it. And guess what! It could be you! Anyone over the age of 18 is eligible, just check out TheIHC.com. The Institute for… Read More
McLean, VA 22101-38 951796-77 146586 38.744281, -104.846806 – somewhere in colorado Truth or Consequences East, NM-32.943889, -106.419444 38.89767, -77.03655- the white house 55.751667, 37.617778- Russian Federation, gorod Moskva(somewhere in russia)
As for the solution, I assumed that the coordinates would be in the US and likely near Maryland. From there it was brute forcing the key to decrypt number words – in this case I started with ‘three’ as Maryland’s latitude is in the upper thirties. After getting ‘THREE’ out it became obvious to try ‘sputnik’ as the keyword.
I think it’s about Fallout. Bethesda studios are nearby CIA and between those two there’s a river lol.
k how about this then: GKNOVA6’s google analytics code (inside source page) is UA-15695768-1 You put this here: http://www.w3who.com/google-analytics and bring you here: http://www.w3who.com/gknova6.com and under Publisher IDs, finally here: http://www.w3who.com/google-analytics/UA-6621671All these are by Activision lol