GKNOVA6: “Classified Announcement SOMD” – New Code! Nick Butler, April 9, 2010April 10, 2010 We posted an article a little earlier about the second transmission that appeared on GKNOVA6.com. The new video included a code that has since been deciphered as “Classified Announcement Sold,” however a commenter pointed out in our article it may very well be “Classified Announcement SOMD.” We have that classified announcement after the break.The commenter, Justin, points out that we actually had the wrong answer to the code – off by one letter. Instead of “Sold” it’s “Somd”. That lead him to SOMD.com, a website for Southern Maryland (which is where the packages were sent from, coincidentally), basically used for local news, event planning and so on. The announcement was within this site. If you go to the site, click “Classifieds” > “Announcements” > “PSAs” > And then you’ll find it.The classified announcement reads:NOVA Posted by: Eve Reign on Friday, 9 April 2010, at 3:20 p.m.LWLXRMSYWN.GVVOXXPXBVOKTPXAVSFTMBK -AONTHLRDOF.DHXSWEJHCQSQFWTCZUBCAMLWLXRMSYWN.LRDOFUINENYMGNPBMSYWNHAM, -YFTTXEWPGJL.XVORLUINEASPTCZUBJWGILVFLWLXRBGG.CCGRNYMGNAEMOWXAAGMSYWNGVVO, -GCYSRZYKXR.YBCBGCYGVVOXDOKSWEJUINELWLXRMSYWN.XVORLCCGRAONTHLVFCWKYG, -FMFWCMXIMX.RTLHGPBWTMBKNSNTZBIMXXPXSQFW.HYORVPAKYHAMCAMMBKAONTH, MUZOWHYORV.CAMIGRAONTHLRDOFHYORVOAVBMYou can find me at the Cheeping River. It’s near the Cheering Viper.It still hasn’t been cracked – why Justin turned to us – so get working! We’ll be posting updates on this article as the come in, and make sure you follow me on twitter for the latest.UPDATE 10:05PM: MrToasty deciphered the code using the key “sputnik”:THREEEIGHT.NINEFIVEONESEVENNINESIX -SEVENSEVEN.ONEFOURSIXFIVEEIGHTSIXTHREEEIGHT.SEVENFOURFOURTWOEIGHTONE, -ONEZEROFOUR.EIGHTFOURSIXEIGHTZEROSIXTHREETWO.NINEFOURTHREEEIGHTEIGHTNINE, -ONEZEROSIX.FOURONENINEFOURFOURFOURTHREEEIGHT.EIGHTNINESEVENSIXSEVEN, -SEVENSEVEN.ZEROTHREESIXFIVEFIVEFIVEFIVE.SEVENFIVEONESIXSIXSEVEN, THREESEVEN.SIXONESEVENSEVENSEVENEIGHTSo, that’s: 38.951796, -77.146586 – CIA Headquarters 38.744281, -104.846806 – NORAD 32.943889, -106.419444 – White Sands (Missile Complex) 38.89767, -77.03655 – White House 55.751667, 37.617778 – Ivanovskaya ploshchad, Russian FederationUPDATE: While reviewing my site’s referrers (people who’ve linked to MovieViral.com) I found an interesting link. I should point out I remember seeing it BEFORE we had this code, but thought nothing of it at the time (assumed it was a college website). My guess is that the site, SOMD, was contacted before had inquiring whether or not they (marketers) could use the site for a code. My best guess is they included a link to my article comparing what games this campaign may be for in that inquiry. Here’s the link that referred to MovieViral.com: http://help.somd.com/admin/main.php?action=view_ticket&id=55719-7009040544. Here’s how they submitted the help ticket. Viral Marketing Call of DutyGKNOVA6Singularity
Trailers Weekly: “The Baytown Disco”, “Magic Mike”, “Cosmopolis”, “High School”, and “The Five-Year Engagement” April 21, 2012December 27, 2012Trailers Weekly is a feature in which we bring you the most popular and talked about trailers of the week. Sharing trailers is a classic viral practice, and trailers are still the most mainstream way for people to learn about movies. Today we have trailers for The Baytown Disco, Magic… Read More
“The Walking Dead” Creator Designs Zombie-Proof Car For Hyundai June 20, 2012Robert Kirkman is single-handedly preparing us for the zombie apocalypse. In May, he announced The Walking Dead Escape: San Diego, a massive zombie-themed obstacle and survival course held in Petco Park. Now, we learn he’s partnered with Hyundai and designed a Zombie Survival Machine, a concept version of the carmaker’s… Read More
Intel and Toshiba’s “The Beauty Inside” Could Star You July 29, 2012Last summer, we covered a social media film experience called Inside, which was sponsored by Intel and Toshiba. While it got a lot of followers, the end result had mixed reactions. However, the computer company was not fazed, and they are back at it again this summer. Get the details… Read More
Or, since when did Call of Duty become a “thinkin man’s” series? I love many CoD games, including Modern Warfare but never spent any of my time with CoD solving puzzles or really thinking at all about anything more than where I’ll surprise my enemy next. If I had to put this much thought into CoD I probably wouldn’t play it ’cause that much depth in an fps would turn me away quick. To me, the CoD series is kind of where I would go to escape after a long day of using my brain at the office lol….
Has anyone figure out what this phrase is about? “On the Lower Rhine and in Westphalia he commanded for the league.”This has to mean something…So far all I founnd is that Lower Rhine and Westphalia are two teams in a German soccer league.
Heres an interesting factoid: SOMD sounds like Somedi the Haitian deity of death. Also the coordinates when put on a map create an inverted pentagram. The final fun factoid is that both of these are involved with raising the dead, something which Adolf Hitler was incredibly interested in. Which could possible explain Lower Rhine, since Germany is sometimes called Rhineland.
I found something, probably coincidental and worth zero in connecting the dots here but it’s the only place on the www in all my scouring where the characters “GK Nova 6” appeared in that same sequence prior to all this.http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=es&u=http://hemeroteca.abc.es/nav/Navigate.exe/hemeroteca/madrid/abc/1940/10/22/011.html&ei=0DrHS_GTM42a8ATax-GPCw&sa=X&oi=translate&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CBMQ7gEwAg&prev=/search%3Fq%3D%2522GkNova%2B6%2522%26hl%3DenYou’ll have to let the page load a bit as it’s some sort of foreign article but once it does, do a Ctrl+F and type in “nova” to find it….
I FOOUUNDDD SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!the post for the code was written by “Eve Reign” so I searched her on google, got nothing on web so switched to maps, there were many, BUT the one in VIRGINA (Near D.C.) had a Message“reign supreme title fight trapped under ice war hungry. SATURDAY: alpha and omega bad seed bitter end blacklisted ceremony colin of arabia coliseum …”am I good or what GT SATFIVE
new message loook: those are a list of bands performing at a club called “alley katz” reign supreme, title fight, trapped under ice, war hungry…they are all just local bands
Check this out http://www.demonoid.com/files/details/2208435/3876115/ unable to start the torrent though as there is ZERO activity for it…
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westphalia Don’t know if it’s relevant but it points towards germany, also modern westphalia was developed after WWII
I think this mite be important, after the first world war, the allies formed a group called the League of Nations. Now, this might be what the league reference was, but commanded didn’t make any sense to me. Also westphalia is crazy, it has a war torn history and they could be referencing anything!!!!! help out if you can.
ok guys try this one out for size, i was busy reading your comments yet has no one thought that it is about the 30 years war? read the following “in silesia, marradas was in command of the imperialists in contest with the protestand forces. on the lower rhine and in westphalia, COUNT GRONSFELD, commanded for the league and was supported by the spaniards.” now for those of you who dont know all this is referring to is the gronsfeld cipher, which you use to decipher the previous text:-) nothing more its just an easy clue for a key
Ok, so I haven’t gotten any help with the inaudible words uttered on the first bit of audio received in the envelop on the actual USB. This bit of audio appears @ 1:02 on that .mps, just after the man’s voice says slowly “Don’t Believe everything you see”. I’ve been unable to get anything discernable from this, but it’s quite obvoius that it’s a man’s voice.Here it is, I’ve run it through noise filters, reversed it, slowed it down, changed the tempo and still this is the best I can come up with….http://www.zshare.net/audio/750368696f026cb4/Once again, to look at this in it’s original form you can find it at 1min 02sec on the original piece of audio that was received in the envelopes. It goes something like this, I’ve isolated and fitered some of the noise a bit, you’ll hear it just after “Don’t Believe Everything you See” as I’ve amplified it a bit as well….http://www.zshare.net/audio/7503756777027a85/