Viral Video: GLEE in 60 Seconds Dan Koelsch, April 15, 2010April 14, 2010 I’m a big fan of FOX’s GLEE, but I know there is a lot to criticize, especially the crazy plot lines and slightly unrealistic musical scenarios. The guys at Landline TV aren’t one to let it slide, so they’ve found a way to break the series down into one minute. Click through to take a look. Viral Marketing FoxGLEEViral video
New Super 8 TV Spots and Clip Tease Monster May 17, 2011May 17, 2011The other day we told you about some TV spots for Super 8 that were being released online before airing. Now we have all the spots and a clip package that give us some insight into the monster, including quick glimpses that of course show very little. Check out all… Read More
Dress Like A ‘Kingsman’ By Shopping At Store Inspired By “The Secret Service” January 13, 2015January 13, 2015There is a lot that stands out after watching the trailers for Kingsman: The Secret Service. Colin Firth kicking ass and Matthew Vaughn’s frenetic action sequences come to mind immediately. But just as important in establishing the film’s unique style appears to be its fashion. Staying true to James Bond… Read More
“Wonder Twins” Movie Poster Mystery Solved January 17, 2014Back in November, a poster featuring artwork for a possible Wonder Twins movie showed up at Midtown Comics in New York City. At the time, we thought it was one of two things: a hoax or viral marketing for Entourage The Movie. Of course being a site that covers viral… Read More