Viral Video: GLEE in 60 Seconds Dan Koelsch, April 15, 2010April 14, 2010 I’m a big fan of FOX’s GLEE, but I know there is a lot to criticize, especially the crazy plot lines and slightly unrealistic musical scenarios. The guys at Landline TV aren’t one to let it slide, so they’ve found a way to break the series down into one minute. Click through to take a look. Viral Marketing FoxGLEEViral video
New ‘Lost’ Teaser Features Mr. Cluck’s January 8, 2010November 16, 2010A new teaser commercial has hit the web for the final season of ABC’s “Lost”, and it features Hurley and Mr. Cluck’s Chicken Shack. For those diehard fans out there, you’ll remember Hurley used to work at Mr. Cluck’s, then used some of his lottery winnings to buy the restaurant…. Read More
Viral Video: Chris Klein Auditions for Mamma Mia May 19, 2010There’s a video that has been on the Internet for only a day and is already spreading like wildfire. In what looks to be real leaked footage, actor Chris Klein (American Pie) auditions for a role in the 2008 musical Mamma Mia, which stars Amanda Seyfried and Meryl Streep. Usually… Read More
Viral Projections For “The Amazing Spider-Man” Lead To Screening Event! January 27, 2012March 21, 2012We’re still about 6 months away from seeing Spider-Man swing back onto the big screen and it has been a while since we were all wowed by that teaser trailer back in July. Now it seems an international viral campaign has begun that will let you see some footage early…. Read More