Hukilau Brings Slate App to iPad Dan Koelsch, April 20, 2010 You may remember the website Hukilau that we first reported on in January. The service helps provide low budget projects, like independent films and alternate reality games (ARGs), funding through a concept known as “crowdsourcing.” Now the company has a made a movie slate for your Apple iPad. Check it out after the jump. The free iPad app simulates a film slate, also known as a clapperboard, which is a device used in films to mark the beginning of a scene being filmed. The iconic movie prop lists information on what’s being shot, like scene information, production title, and director name. The Hukilau app has all these fields as well, which can be changed just as easily. When you shake your iPad, it makes the classic clapping sound. Whether this will truly be useful to amateur filmmakers remains to be scene (get it?), and this could be just another example of technology trying to replace standard operating practices. The app can be downloaded from iTunes here. Viral Marketing clapperboardHukilauiPadslate
Get “After Earth” Survival Tips From Survival Expert Les Stroud May 14, 2013In Columbia Pictures’ After Earth, teenager Kitai Raige (played by Jaden Smith) his legendary father Cypher (Will Smith) have to survive on Earth over 1000 year after humans have left. Inspired by the film, survival expert Les Stroud shares key survival tips in the weekly After Earth Survival Video Series…. Read More
Everyone in UK to be Replaced by a Surrogate September 15, 2009September 15, 2009So imagine my surprise as I’m reading through The Sun’s website, the biggest national newspaper here in the UK, and read the headline “Robots to replace humans”. Well, I was intrigued to say the least! What a great headline, and it seems to have some truth behind it. Well, truth… Read More
Tron Legacy Operative Phones Are Still In Play August 17, 2010Briefly: Tron Legacy really kicked off its viral campaign in February, when the Zero Hour website lead to coordinates in cities around the world, where players could pick up dead drop packages that included a pre-paid cell phone that lead to ANOTHER package that some other cool things inside. Now,… Read More