LOST 6×13 “The Last Recruit” Recap and Review Corey, April 20, 2010May 1, 2010 Tonight’s episode of ABC’s LOST, “The Last Recruit”, is the 13th episode in season 6 of LOST and probably one of the most heart-wrenching. Following last weeks episode “Everybody Loves Hugo” and when the two sides came together at the end of the episode. Read more after the jump. “The Last Recruit” picks up right at the end of “Everybody Loves Hugo”, where the two sides come together at Man in Black’s camp. After briefly talking, MiB asks Jack to talk with him alone. This is where MiB confirms that he can take the form of dead people, when Jack asked if he took the form of Christian, Jack and Claire’s now-dead father. MiB tells Jack that he has been trying to help Jack and the others get off the Island all along, because they were trapped here by Jacob. Since Jacob is dead, as long as everyone leaves together, it’s not a problem. After their brief chat, MiB calls out Claire, who had been hiding (but was caught by MiB), and leaves Jack and Claire alone. Claire confirms that MiB came to her in the form of Christian, and claims Jack is now with Locke since he let him talk to him. The next day, Zoe, Widmore’s second in command approaches the camp with some of Widmore’s men and tells MiB and the rest of the camp that they stole something of importance from them and have until nightfall to bring it back. She obviously means Desmond, who was taken at the end of “Happily Ever After”. What happens after nightfall? Widmores’ team will blow the camp up. She demonstrates this by calling in what seems to be an artillary strike, saying “the next one won’t miss”. After she leaves, MiB tells Sayid to kill Desmond and gathers the rest of the camp, telling Sawyer and Kate to go get a boat and bring it to a rendezvous point for the rest of the camp, so they can sail it to Hydra Island, board the plane, and leave. As soon as he leaves, Sawyer informs Jack about his plan and that at the right time, he’s going to get Jack, Kate, Sun, Frank, and Hugo all together and make a break for the boat and go to Hydra themselves to force Widmore to take them away. As the group is treking through the jungle, Locke gets nervous that Sayid hasn’t shown up yet, after being told to kill Desmond. Eventually he pops out of the jungle and tells MiB that it took a while to kill an man in cold blood, when really we don’t know what happened after he talked to Desmond at the well. But at the well, Desmond and Sayid talked about what MiB offered Sayid (bringing Nadia back to life) with Desmond asking how he’ll be able to to tell Nadia what he did in order to bring her back to life. The scene is left wide open, no gunshot, nothing. While MiB was off looking for Sayid, Jack gathers Hugo, Sun and Frank, and run off to the docks to meet up with Kate and Sawyer who have the boat. However, Claire followed them, and despite a confrontation, Kate eventually talks her down and convinces her to go with them, since that’s why Kate came to the Island in the first place. On the boat, Jack comes to the realization that the Island isn’t done with them left, so they should go back (sound familiar?). However, Sawyer isn’t having it, and forces him to make a choice, get off the boat or shut up. Jack jumps and heads back. On the main island MiB and some Others are waiting for Jack with their guns drawn, and on the other island Zoe and some of Widmore’s group come out of the jungle with guns drawn towards Sawyer and his group. Behind them is Jin, who sees Sun after 3 years of being apart, they finally get together and Jin tells Sun that they’ll never be apart again. Zoe breaks the happy moment when after hearing something on her walkie she tells everyone to get on their knees. She then orders an artillary strike on MiB’s position which just so happens to be right where Jack is. As everything around Jack and MiB blow up, MiB seemingly walks up to Jack and just picks him off going into the jungle, setting him by a tree and saying “It’s ok, you’re with me now”. In the Alternate Universe, while waiting for the Feds to pick her up, Sawyer talks to Kate after arresting her at the end of “Recon”. Sawyer says how it’s weird that they keep running into each other as if something was bringing them together for a reason. Miles then interupts him and tells him about the multipule homicide Sayid commits in “The Package”, the same episode in which Sun was shot in the stomach and told Jin that she was pregnant. Sayid is on the run, and goes back to Nadia’s house to get his things so he can leave when Miles shows up at the front door. Sayid steps out the side door but it caught by the waiting Sawyer, who then arrests him. The next thing we see is Claire walking into an adoption agency. She’s met by Desmond Hume, who talks her into talking with his attorney friend, who turns out to be Ilana. Jack and his son Dave are heading to hear Christian’s Will being read, where they walk into the conference room where Ilana introduces Claire and Jack. Claire tells Jack that she is his sister, but before he can process the news, he is called into surgery. At the hospital Sun wakes up and Jin is by her side, he tells her that the baby is fine. Jack gets ready for surgery and goes into operate, then sees that it’s Locke. The Last Recruit is a mixed episode for me, where some parts of the episode were completely annoying (Kate and Claire at the dock and the tension between them, I kept thinking “Kate, you’re an idiot, you’re going to get shot!”). Other parts of the show were just dreadful and almost heart-breaking (Jack “jumping ship”). Kate and Claire are two completely irrelevant characters who both have no purpose on the island and I personally have no idea how they’re still alive. Seeing how the Island kills meaningless characters (Ilana) off, I really don’t know how they managed to make it this far. Ilana had more potential than Kate and Claire combined and she was blown up randomly. Sawyer came off really well, probably the best character in this episode, and it was great seeing him finally calling the shots and saving his friends. He gave off a very “Jacob” vibe when he told Jack to bring only Hugo, Sun and Frank, which was a sigh of relief seeing the direction Jack was starting to take. Another thing that bothered me was the Demond/Sayind scene, I’m really dreading where they left that off. What did you think of the episode? Next week is repeat, so we’ll be back to review episode 14, “The Candidate”, in two weeks. Season Six LOST Recap & Reviews: Episode 1 & 2: LA X Episode 3: What Kate Does Episode 4: The Substitute Episode 5: Lighthouse Episode 6: Sundown Episode 7: Dr. Linus Episode 8: Recon Episode 9: Ab Aeterno Episode 10: The Package Episode 11: Happily Ever After Episode 12: Everybody Loves Hugo Reviews Viral Marketing ABCLOSTReviewThe Last Recruit
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