Iron Man 2 Tidbits: Viral Video Could Become Trailer, Rochester Castle Projection, & Augmented Reality App Dan Koelsch, April 23, 2010April 23, 2010 As we get closer to May 7th, we’re going to see a lot more images, clips, and other news regarding Iron Man 2. This week has seen some viral-ish tidbits, including a viral video that director Jon Favreau really liked, an AC/DC and Iron Man 2 video projected on a castle, and an augmented reality app. Get all the details after the break. First of all, Favreau tweeted this week that he had seen a “cool IM2 remix”, and that he was passing it on to the guys in marketing at Paramount. Turns out this was the video we featured on the site back in March. Though it’s a tight fit, we may see at least a version of this remix video before the film is released. Take a look at it below. Also this week, the UK saw the world’s first Architectural Projection Mapping to incorporate live footage. A music video featuring AC/DC and Iron Man 2 imagery were projected onto the famed Rochester Castle. Check it out below. It’s been a little while since we’ve seen some augmented reality for a film. Now Iron Man 2 is doing it, and it’s one of the coolest ones I’ve seen. When you log onto the UK site, you can actually get inside the Iron Man helmet. The site finds your head and places the helmet of Iron Man or War Machine right on it. You can also go inside the helmet so that it shows you the Heads Up Display like in the film, as well as talk to Jarvis (Paul Bettany) himself. The controls also allow you to share video and images of your time as Iron Man pretty easily. See how it looks below. Check out our Iron Man 2 Viral Page for more news. News Viral Marketing AC/DCArchitectural Projection Mappingaugmented realityIron Man 2Jon FavreauTwitterViral video
Hear Tracks From Daft Punk’s Tron Legacy Soundtrack July 27, 2010July 30, 2010The soundtrack for Tron Legacy is almost as anticipated as the film itself, thanks to the fact that it’s being produced by Daft Punk. While we can’t show you the special Comic-Con footage screened for the film, we have found a few of the tracks from the soundtrack, thanks to… Read More
Seven Psychopaths: Listen to Voice Messages Left For Charlie October 13, 2012Last month, CBS Films’ Seven Psychopaths started a viral campaign where flyers were put up with a number to call where you could leave a voice message. Now, a video has been made to showcase some of those messages. Check it out after the break. Read More
“The Amazing Spider-Man” Dead Drops Found, Countdown Ends This Morning February 14, 2012March 21, 2012Yesterday we reported that there dead drops in various cities as part of Sony’s The Amazing Spider-Man viral campaign. Since all the items have now been collected, the viral website’s countdown is out in the open for everyone to see. Now what? Read More
Works great for me (using Firefox). Pretty nifty time waster and fun to show to others with the laptop.
Oddly enough it doesn’t seem to work under IE for me. Maybe that’s the prob. Nick? (Don’tcha just loooove ‘puters? *futher-muckin’, sass-a-frassin’, grumble-grumble!!!*)