Iron Man 2 Round Up: News, Interviews, Art, and Much More! Kris, April 26, 2010April 26, 2010 There has been a lot fresh Iron Man 2 material out there ranging from interviews to TV spots lately. If you’re into the latest news on Iron Man 2, which is premiering tonight in Hollywood, prepare yourself before the jump. First off, I recommend that you immediately check out this new clip from Iron Man 2. It shows the introduction of how Tony Stark gets a hold of his new portable suit we see in an earlier trailer. Pepper once again proves how useful she can be and Whiplash proves that he can give Indiana Jones a run for his money. Iron Monger never finished his suit, but this villain came prepared. Up next is the 10th (yes, 10th) TV spot, featuring more of War Machine than Whiplash. I’m waiting for a clip that’s centered on Black Widow now. Moving on from clips of the movie, we have news from the men behind the scenes. Jon Favreau has not only given us The Ultimate Guide to Iron Man 2, but also even more info on Whiplash. Justin Theroux, screenwriter for Iron Man 2, confirms there’s an easter egg after the film’s credits, just like the first Iron Man. Aside from clips and interviews is a slew of promo art as well, like the one below. Finally, here’s an interview of pretty much all of the stars in Iron Man 2 in a whopping 10 minutes. Many thanks to Marvel Freshmen and his watchful eye on comic book movies. Iron Man 2 opens nationwide on May 7th. For more info on the film, check out our Iron Man 2 Viral Page. News Iron Man 2Jon FavreauWar Machinewhiplash
Fassbender and McAvoy Answer Fans’ Questions In Latest “X-Perts” May 21, 2011While today’s biggest viral news concerns the awesome first look at Bane in 2012’s The Dark Knight Rises, this summer’s batch of films is hardly shying away from their own marketing efforts. It is hard to believe, but X-Men: First Class is two weeks from release, and their popular X-Perts… Read More
News ‘Jurassic World’ Site Now Has Live Park Cams February 2, 2015 With only a few months until the new Jurassic World movie hits theaters, Universal Pictures just added an interesting feature to the movie’s website. It now has a Park Cam page, where you can view live feeds from the dinosaur park. After the jump, you can find out more… Read More
ARGs & Campaigns Warner Bros. Wants You To Prepare For “Into The Storm” March 25, 2014March 25, 2014This is some very resourceful marketing. To hype up the release of it’s first trailer in theaters March 28, Into the Storm has sent out a handy-dandy survival kit. Warner Bros. has put together an emergency preparedness kit filled with glowsticks (for lighting the way not rave dancing), water, tools… Read More