Japanese Version of Lots-o-Huggin Bear Commercial Dan Koelsch, April 27, 2010April 27, 2010 Yesterday we showed you a viral video of a 1983 Lots-o-Huggin Bear TV Spot. Though unconfirmed, it looks to be the doing of Pixar themselves, as probably an attempt to promote the upcoming Toy Story 3. Now, another YouTube account has posted a Japanese commercial for the toy in the same style as a video response. Check it out after the break. It will be interesting to see if these commercials play into the movie at all, or if they are just fun advertising. Toy Story 3 opens June 18th. Viral Marketing JapanLotsoToy StoryToy Story 3Viral video
Proof That The Ghostbusters Are Still Cool May 19, 2010In the past year or so, there has been a lot of buzz about a potential third movie to the Ghostbusters series. The first two have become classics, and there have been rumors on a new sequel that would involve the original cast, and possibly even comedy mastermind Judd Apatow…. Read More
New Age-Restricted District 9 Clip August 10, 2009August 10, 2009FEARNet has posted a new clip from District 9, originally from MySpace. Check it out below: Looks like Wikus has really gotten himself in a tough spot. That gun is pretty damn cool. What do you think of the clip? Talk about it in our forum. District 9, based on… Read More
Flash Forward: Fans Stage Blackout In Protest June 8, 2010You may have noticed that an ABC show ended recently answering fewer questions than it asked. No, we’re not talking about Lost, but another ABC show, Flash Forward. Fans think it ended too soon and are going to let ABC know how they feel on June 10th. Read More