Trailers Weekly: “Mars Needs Moms”, “Something Borrowed”, “Insidious”, and Red-Band Trailers for “Hall Pass” and “I Saw The Devil” Michael Lee, February 19, 2011February 19, 2011 Trailers Weekly is a feature in which we bring you the most popular and talked about trailers of the week. Sharing trailers is a classic viral practice, and trailers are still the most mainstream way for people to learn about movies. Loyal readers may have noticed something slightly different this week. We are starting to have articles for highly anticipated movie trailers and for movie trailers with viral marketing. Still, we cannot ignore the other trailers that were released this week because they are just as good. This week we have the trailers for Disney’s computer animated sci-fi movie Mars Needs Moms, James Wan’s Insidious, and the romantic comedy Something Borrowed. We also have two red band trailers for Hall Pass and I Saw the Devil. Hit the jump to check out the trailers. Mars Needs MomsSomething BorrowedInsidiousHall PassI Saw The Devil did you think of this week’s trailers? Which was your favorite? Of course, every week there are a lot more trailers, teasers, TV spots, and clips that we can’t cover, so go to to see your favorites, and to watch at least some of the ones above in High Definition. You can also download trailers in HD at Saw a trailer this week that you loved? Let us know in the comments below! Features Trailers Weekly Viral Marketing Hall PassI Saw the DevilInsidiousMars Needs MomsSomething Borrowed
Website Lets You Use Word of Mouth To Fund Your Project March 5, 2010March 5, 2010Right off the bat, this is a great website. Have you ever wanted to do something, but didn’t have the money? Have you ever thought if only people knew what you were doing, maybe they could help you fund it? Well, now there is well-organized hub for projects just like… Read More
The Buzz: Gangster Squad, The Hobbit, Cloud Atlas, and More! July 27, 2012The Buzz is a feature in which we round up the Top 3 most-buzzed-about movie/TV stories of the week (in chronological order). Why go through pages of blogs just to find out what everyone is talking about? We’ve got it all right here in our Warner Brothers Edition of The… Read More
Current Viral Campaigns January 31, 2009January 30, 2010Now you know who we are and what we do. So what movies currently have viral campaigns going on? Here’s a quick introductory summary. Don’t worry, we’ll have much more coverage leading up to these films. Watchmen (Opens 3/6/09): This film, adapted from the critically-acclaimed graphic novel by Alan Moore,… Read More