Viral Video: Whoreders on A&E Dan Koelsch, May 4, 2010 Hoarders is an A&E show about people with a mental disorder that makes them accumulate possessions to the point where it’s a detriment to their life. Whoreders, however, is a show about what happens when pimps collect too many…you get the point. Check out the parody video after the break. Whoreders from Brandon Johnson Viral Marketing A&EHoardersViral video
Viral Video: Academy Award Winning Movie Trailer March 11, 2010March 10, 2010Have you ever felt like every movie campaigning for an Academy Award was the same, or at least promoted the same way? Well, the guys behind Britanick Comedy think so, so they put together a faux trailer that shows just how easy it is to make an Oscar-worthy ad. Check… Read More
TRON: Legacy iPhone Application Unlocks Golden Ticket July 23, 2010December 3, 2010We recently told you about a free TRON: Legacy iPhone application that enjoys both multiplayer and single player game modes, but it may serve as another purpose now. We’ve received a press release from Disney informing us of a new “golden ticket” that can be picked up from the ComiTRON… Read More
Sony’s “Men in Black III” Viral Lets You Leave Another Message, This Time For Chinese Take-Out March 7, 2012April 1, 2012If you watched the new Men in Black III trailer that debuted this week, then you might have noticed the name of the Chinese restaurant featured in the beginning. For those that decided to snoop around, a website for Wu’s Diamond Garden Chinese Restaurant was found. Get the details after… Read More