12 Days of Viral – DAY TWO Scott Caldwell, December 14, 2009December 13, 2009 On the second day of viral, my movie gave to me….. A Twitter account with the truth. The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Well, maybe a little more. At least this seems to be the way to go with newer Twitter accounts. You can go back to some of the older Twitter accounts (9, District 9, and 2012) and see them posting about things from the actual movie they are promoting. You can read a bout Charlie Frost’s Winnebago or Christopher’s disgust towards MNU. But the newer one’s are taking it a step further. If you follow films such as Surrogates, The Crazies, and even Paranormal Activity, they are using the tactics of letting you know the truth. Not parts of the film, but actual elements of the film that are possible. Robotics. Biochemicals. Even how people are reacting towards a film. These are things that are happening on the news so they put it in your head, to just add to what you believe to begin with. Hell, they may even pick up those that follow such fears and create a new fan. A tweet like the one above may get some activists to follow you, not knowing that it’s a site for a movie. But then again, that’s one of the things with a viral campaign. You need to make it as real as you can. Other Days In The “12 Days of Viral” Series: A trailer without a title Viral Marketing 20129District 9paranormal activitySurrogatesThe Crazies
This Week In Viral: Week of 6/8/09 June 15, 2009June 15, 2009This was a good week for viral, especially for District 9, which saw more posters, an official website (finally), and now more footage. Matt will have a full breakdown of the footage screened in front of Pelham 123 in some theaters tomorrow. The clips showed more of the aliens (including… Read More
2012 Updates and News September 3, 2009September 3, 2009A couple of updates for you coming from two ends of the 2012 world. First one is from Charlie Frost’s blog, ThisIsTheEnd. It is titled “Start Spreading the News” and it shows a couple of IHC posters defaced, as we’ve seen before, this time being in NY. Here are the… Read More
Warner Bros. Pulls Off “Rock of Ages” Flash Mob At Fan Screening June 9, 2012June 9, 2012We’ve seen a trend lately of studios pulling off surprise promotional stunts during fan screenings of films. The goal is twofold: spread word of mouth through the audience members and hope that the video of the event goes viral. Warner Bros. recently did such a stunt in Toronto for their… Read More