Official Super 8 Trailer Now Online! Dan Koelsch, May 11, 2010May 11, 2010 Paramount has released an official online version of J.J. Abrams’ Super 8 trailer, and let me tell you, it looks much better in high definition than it did bootlegged. As Alex from FirstShowing mentions, there’s strangely some extra footage at the end that’s just black and has no sound (that I could hear). We’ll see if it ties into the viral at all. You can download the trailer for yourself in HD on Apple, or watch it embedded after the jump. We’ll break down the trailer later, and make sure to check out our Super 8 Viral Page for all the coverage on this mysterious film. News Viral Marketing J.J. AbramsSuper 8Trailer
Avatar and Sherlock Holmes Featured on Tomorrow’s ‘Behind the Screen’ December 15, 2009December 15, 2009Tomorrow seems to be the Official “See More of Robert Downey Jr.” Day, because along with Entertainment Tonight’s segment on the upcoming Iron Man 2, MTV’s series ‘Behind the Screen’ will preview Sherlock Holmes, along with Avatar. The show will have exclusive clips from both movies as well as an… Read More
Salt: Day X Exists Mission 7, “Stealth”, Now Live June 30, 2010As we previously reported, Columbia Picture’s Salt, starring Angelina Jolie, has an interactive story you can participate in at their official website. Every week there is a new mission, and last week Salt needed you to track a Day X agent. This week, you’ll need to sneak into a Day… Read More
Disney Turns To The Internet To Cast Star Wars Leads November 11, 2013For a film still shrouded in secrecy, Disney has made the casting process for Star Wars: Episode VII a very public event. Despite rumor after rumor of established actors and actresses vying for the perceived male and female leads, in-person casting calls have gone out in major cities nationwide for possible unknown… Read More