Toy Story 3 Viral Video: Groovin’ with Ken! Dan Koelsch, May 31, 2010May 31, 2010 The Disney Pixar YouTube channel has released a new video called “Groovin’ with Ken!”, an interview with the Ken doll featured in Toy Story 3 (voiced by Michael Keaton). It’s a pretty clever way to introduce us to the new character, and continues the film’s successful viral marketing campaign. Check out the video below the fold. Toy Story 3 opens June 18th. Viral Marketing BarbieDisneyKen DollPixarToy Story 3
Experience an Interactive Version of Oscar-Nominated “Moonrise Kingdom” Screenplay January 17, 2013Briefly: While some may think that Wes Anderson’s Moonrise Kingdom was snubbed for a Best Picture nomination at this year’s 85th Annual Academy Awards, no one is surprised that the quirky adventure’s script got a nomination in Writing: Original Screenplay category. Now you can read the screenplay yourself, along with… Read More
Word of Mouth Viral: The Haiti Relief Efforts January 28, 2010October 18, 2011On January 13th, 2010 the small island of Haiti was devastated. Right before 5:00 PM, a magnitude 7.0 earthquake shook Haiti to it’s core. The earthquake caused massive damage and left thousands of Haitians homeless, and hundreds of thousands dead. Almost instantly, the popular social networking website Twitter was flooded… Read More
“The Optimist” Explores Walt’s Haunts & Connections To Brad Bird’s “Tomorrowland” July 30, 2013July 30, 2013Just a few days after Comic-Con kicked off, The Optimist, a viral campaign for Brad Bird’s Tomorrowland, was launched. Little was known about the actual ARG, and since it’s debut earlier this July, fans and players have been combing through the site in hopes of finding another clue to the… Read More