Toy Story 3 Viral Video: Groovin’ with Ken! Dan Koelsch, May 31, 2010May 31, 2010 The Disney Pixar YouTube channel has released a new video called “Groovin’ with Ken!”, an interview with the Ken doll featured in Toy Story 3 (voiced by Michael Keaton). It’s a pretty clever way to introduce us to the new character, and continues the film’s successful viral marketing campaign. Check out the video below the fold. Toy Story 3 opens June 18th. Viral Marketing BarbieDisneyKen DollPixarToy Story 3
Prove You Are The Ultimate Fast Fan To Win A Walk On Role For “Fast & Furious 7” November 12, 2013Even though the sixth chapter in the Fast & Furious saga concluded only 6 months ago, the seventh chapter is kicking into high gear and now you have a chance to be a part of the crew. It takes more than just being a fan of the franchise though, you… Read More
SNL Viral Video: British Movie February 13, 2011February 13, 2011As our readers know, NBC’s Saturday Night Live often parodies movies, and this weekend’s episode hosted by Russell Brand was no exception. This time they take on the trend of the gritty British action-crime dramas, focusing on the difficult-to-understand accents. NBC even created a basic website for the fake film,… Read More
Funny or Die Introduces Its Hilarious 1986 TV Lineup January 10, 2012January 10, 2012When Adam McKay and Will Ferrell created Funny or Die, no one thought that it would have taken off the way that it did. From a humble video about a drunk landlord baby starring its two creators to Don Cheadle planning as a sociopathic Captain Planet, the comedic website aims… Read More