Viral Video: Mad Men Promo in Kinetic Typography Dan Koelsch, June 8, 2010 Kinetic typography is simply the animation of text. By itself it doesn’t sound that interesting, but when you combine it popular movies and television, you can make gold. Just see the famous Pulp Fiction example. Avoid Ego Media tries to replicate that success using a clip from AMC’s Mad Men. Check it out below. I don’t watch the show, but I found that scene pretty effective, and Jon Hamm is the man. What do you think? The fourth season of the hit show starts July 25th. Viral Marketing AMCKinetic TypographyMad MenPulp FictionViral video
UK Viral Campaign Launched For Supernatural January 14, 2010January 14, 2010The United States can’t have all the fun when it comes to ARG and viral campaigns, so I’m sure it will please our contributor Iain that the show Supernatural will have an ARG in the United Kingdom. The UK TV station LIVING is debuting season 5 of the show (produced… Read More
Viral Campaign for Disney’s “Tron” Sequel July 21, 2009August 17, 2010A couple film blogs were sent these packages from a San Diego company known as ‘PMB’. Inside were these tokens: That is, indeed, the same Flynn known as the ‘Home of Tron’ from the first movie. Also in the packages were thumb drives with these images, labeled as ‘4.gif’: That… Read More
Comic-Con 2013: “Ender’s Game” Panel Coverage, Footage Reaction, & Harrison Ford July 18, 2013July 18, 2013The 2013 San Diego Comic-Con officially kicked off it’s festivities with a few smaller panels for geek-related films, but the one panel that everyone must have been waiting for is Ender’s Game. Based on the Orson Scott Card novel of the same name, Ender’s Game follows the story of the… Read More