Judgement Day Is Here Dan Koelsch, May 21, 2009April 10, 2010 Well, technically Judgement Day was in 2004, according to the Terminator universe, but today is the day Terminator Salvation is released in the United States, so most if not all of the ARG should be wrapping up. Proof of that is the current state of Skynet’s website, shows a big red “…Recalculating…” on each page. The guys over at Resistorbeterminated.com seem to think this means they’ve won with their hacking efforts, but as we all know, they are sadly wrong. If any more updates to the viral occur today, I’ll add them to this post. Leave a comment if you see anything. Otherwise, enjoy the film. We should have a review by the end of tonight. Update: Resistorbeterminated.com now says that it has hacked Skynet’s DCP software for it’s own use. Here’s what they say:Once guised as a program that “empowers users to collaborate with Skynet by fueling the company through a network of computer processing power,” as of 1 p.m. EST today, May 21, 2009, the DCP functions as a a tool for and visualizer of the Resistance network. I always knew those metal skulls were empty.Yes, this thing that once allowed Skynet ultimate stalking control over the human race now belongs to the Resistance. The password field is still present – so let’s not be fools – it can be re-hacked and re-possessed.But I don’t think that’s any of our concern – yet. Those machines are still reeling in shock from the Resistance blast.Also, Skynet’s Twitter is just posting binary code, which I assume is part of the hack. If you can tell what (if anything) it means, let us know! Update 2: The comments on Resistorterminated.com are very helpful. One commenter translated the ominous code:The codes translate to “Skynet Research supports human extinction resistance targeted for termination” Viral Marketing Judgement DayResist or Be TerminatedSkynetTerminator Salvation
Neill Blomkamp’s Next Film “Chappie” In The Works February 24, 2013Elysium doesn’t come out in theaters until August, but writer/director Neill Blomkamp is already working on his next Sci-Fi project, titled Chappie. Get the few details we have after the break. Read More
“The Muppets” Being Green Trailer June 16, 2011June 16, 2011No, the title isn’t the Muppets’ marketing green technology or sustainability, its another trailer parody of this summer’s blockbusters. This time a spoof of the upcoming Green Lantern trailer. Disney did the exact same thing before The Hangover Part II made its theatrical debut back in May, with The Fuzzy… Read More
Viral Video for Toy Story 3 Discovered April 26, 2010April 26, 2010It looks like the guys behind Toy Story 3 aren’t happy just riding the franchise’s existing popularity to the bank. Pixar has been doing some interesting marketing for the film, and that looks to be continuing with a viral video that shows a 1983 commercial for the “Lots-o’-Huggin’ Bear”, which… Read More