Betting On Box Office Opening Weekends Approved Dan Koelsch, June 15, 2010 Want to make some serious money predicting box office opening weekend results? Now you can, at via stock exchange. The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission approved a contract with the new Trend Exchange that allow traders to bet on a movie’s opening weekend gross. While a new revenue stream is always nice, there could be some serious downside to this. There has been a lot of opposition to betting on future box-office receipts within the film industry, most prominently from the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), as it could actually hurt box office performance. This could also have a serious affect on the viral trends of new releases. Anyone with a stake in the exchange could manipulate word of mouth and other viral marketing of films if they had enough influence. As the L.A. Times writes:In a follow-up interview, [Bart] Chilton [a dissenting commissioner] added that he was particularly concerned about the ability of studios to manipulate the price of a future through marketing and other decisions, which he said was very different from existing futures contracts related to agriculture and other products. I would imagine this would bring a lot more pressure for hyped films to perform well, which only seems to make matters worse for a fickle industry. I don’t have a business degree, so some of the details on this fly over my head, but this is obviously a hotly debated issue. What do you think? News Viral News Box OfficeTrend ExchangeWeekend Box Office
“21 Jump Street” Interactive Trailer is Just Too Funny March 12, 2012March 12, 2012Honestly I never suspected that 21 Jump Street would be hammering at my funny bone. Obviously Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs‘s Philip Lord and Chris Miller didn’t get the memo that adaptations based on 80s TV series were suppose to be bad. But with such a powerful tracking rate,… Read More
Fan-Made “Jurassic Park” Video Game In the Works January 7, 2013Have you ever wanted to experience the awe and danger of Jurassic Park? Well, you may get your chance, eventually. A group is developing a free video game based on the classic Spielberg blockbuster called Jurassic Life, due to the fact that the Half-Life 2 Source engine SDK is being… Read More
Petition To Renew “TRON: Uprising” Gains Steam While Fate of Show Is Uncertain January 13, 2013January 16, 2013This week, reports spread that Disney Channel’s animated TRON: Uprising show was being cancelled after one season. While the show’s future is actually not set in stone according to producer Edward Kitsis, a petition was created on to renew the show (along with Motorcity). At the time this article… Read More