Find Out If You Are Expendable Alex Gerage, June 19, 2010 The consensus among most moviegoers is that the summer season thus far has been a bit of a dud. Already halfway through June, few high profile films have caught and maintained the attention of the public. Studios are mobilizing their marketing campaigns around the remaining releases this summer in hopes it leads to a seasonal hit. One such film is the The Expendables, starring Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and almost every other action star over the age of fifty. To quench your desire to see old men running around and blowing things up, Lionsgate has launched a viral site to see if you too, are expendable. Hit to jump to learn more. The “Are You Expendable?” viral page, which is an extension of the movie’s official site, requires you to take a psych evaluation to determine if you are “enough of a badass to be considered expendable.” What follows is a ten question personality test that finishes by offering you a nick name (I was Alex “Boom Boom” Gerage) and compares you to one of the expendables in the film. For me, it was Lee Christmas, played by Jason Statham. Once you are part of the team, the site allows you to upload a picture of yourself from either Facebook or your computer, and add it to the lineup of faces in the latest poster for the film. You can try and pick me out from the crowd in the picture above. The Expendables opens August 13th, and promises to be one of the last bastions of hope for an otherwise disappointing season of summer movies. Viral Marketing The Expendables
“Kill Cam Live”: The First Interactive Social Networking Film October 31, 2011Inspired by the success of the Paranormal Activity franchise, up-and-coming director John Darko, has been working on a unique social horror project that follows a group of college students as they participate in an experiment to study the effects of solely communicating through social media…until something goes wrong. You can… Read More
2012: Soren Ulfert Needs Your Help Hacking into the IHC! September 29, 2009September 29, 2009Looks like Soren Ulfert, formerly of the IHC, has finally found a purpose to his life after being abruptly fired from his position as Communications Director. As we reported before, Mr. Ulfert created his own blog, where he has now posted a new video, titled “Wheels Within Wheels“, after trying… Read More
“Silicon Valley” Landing Page Is A Hilariously Effective Marketing Gag April 23, 2014Generally when a marketing team has a technology-based film or show, they would embrace those themes by creating fake websites, landing pages, etc. We’ve seen in it a bit of David Fincher’s The Social Network, and now we are seeing it again for HBO’s latest comedy Silicon Valley. The show… Read More