Flash Forward: The Blackout Just Got Bigger Iain Welford, June 25, 2010June 25, 2010 A couple of weeks ago we reported on a worldwide protest organized by fans of the canceled show Flash Forward. The protest had been staged to bring attention to the number of fans out there who want a second season of the show in order to tie up all the loose ends left behind. Well, as has been proved time and time again, determined fans can become well organized and it seems that the events on June 10th was only the start.For a quick catch-up, fans of the show “blacked out” for 2 minutes and 17 seconds, mirroring the events of the first episode where the whole world “flashes” forward” and sees their future. Check out the video below to get an idea how popular, fun and worldwide the event actually was!Since then, the organizers of Prevent The Blackout have sent a package to ABC which includes the above video as well as press articles covering the events, a four foot stuffed Kangaroo, and friendship bracelets. They also sent the package to other networks to show the popularity of the show.The website is now looking for fans to contact the network themselves through letters and e-mails as well as through Twitter to show their support for the show. In addition to this, a second event has been set for Sunday, June 27th. Read the details below and take part if you want to help Flash Forward come back. It worked for Family Guy and it could work for Flash Forward.On June 27th; all fans of FlashForward will try AGAIN to get FLASHFORWARD BACK! Our FlashForwards of Season 2 MUST COME TRUE!(1) At 7:00:00PM GMT [EXACTLY] ALL fans will click the following link to watch Future Shock on the ABC site. http://abc.go.com/watch/flashforward/SH559054/VD5565370/future-shock At 7:02:17PM GMT [EXACTLY] ALL fans will exit the page. This extreme high page views will be noticed by ABC and they will understand the views they are receiving around the world altogether.(NOTE) EVEN IF YOU ARE NOT IN AMERICA AND CAN NOT WATCH THE VIDEO PLEASE DO THIS. ———————————————————————————————————————————- (2) As soon as fans exit this page they will begin writing a message to ABC on http://abc.go.com/site/contact-us As soon as the time hits 7:05:00PM GMT [EXACTLY] ALL fans will click SEND. ———————————————————————————————————————————- (3) When fans have finished sending this email they will begin sending one MASSIVE email tostephen.mcpherson@abc.com, anne.sweeney@abc.com, jim.hedges@abc.com, geri.wang@abc.com, robert.mendez@abc.com, peter.seymour@abc.com, albert.cheng@abc.com, vince.roberts@abc.com, netaudr@abc.com, robert.a.iger@disney.com, alex.wallau@disney.com, mike.shaw@disney.com, Alison.Rou@abc.com, Hope.C.Hartman@abc.com, Sylvia.S.Do@abc.com, Sharon.Liggins@abc.com, patrick.k.preblick@abc.comWhen the time hits 7:10:00PM GMT [EXACTLY] ALL fans will send the message. ————————————————————————————————————————————— (4) When fan have sent the email they will begin to write to ABC on http://www.savethatshow.com/Save_That_Show__Something_To_Say_to_ABC.shtmlAs soon as the time hits 7:15:00PM GMT [EXACTLY] All fans will send the message ——————————————————————————————————————————————- (5) As soon as fans have sent the message they will vote for FlashForward in these polls http://www.savethatshow.com/Save_That_Show__FlashFoward.shtml http://scifiwire.com/2010/05/poll-which-sci-fi-season-1.php AND will sign the FlashForward Petition http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/signed.cgi?47110815 ————————————————————————————————————————- (6) At 7:25PM GMT [EXACTLY] ALL fans will watch the video from Prevent The Blackout that will be sent to ABC on Youtube to increase the views. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sh_Z2hXUqyc&annotation_id=annotation_92925&feature=iv ——————————————————————————————————————- (7) At 7:30PM GMT [EXACTLY] ALL fans will post the message on http://www.facebook.com/FlashForward saying “Had enough, ABC?”————————————————————————————————THIS IS TO MARK THE ONE MONTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE FINALECheck Here For Time In Your Location: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.htmlSAVE FLASHFORWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!So, did you take part in the last event and will you be showing your support this time round? Leave your thoughts and storys below. Viral Marketing BlackoutFlash Forward
When Viral Strikes! (Too Soon) November 24, 2009June 6, 2010A while back, I wrote about how the start of a film, meant the end of a perfectly good viral. One can look at it as a tough day. It’s like making a good friend, and then that friend just up and leaves you. Never to be heard from again…. Read More
Avatar: Brutal Video Review and How It Should Have Ended February 1, 2010July 4, 2010You may remember when we featured a certain YouTuber reviewing Star Wars: The Phantom Menace in a 70 minute epic video. Well, he’s back, and this time he’s got his eyes set on James Cameron’s Avatar. Although I enjoyed all one hour and 10 minutes of his previous endeavor, I’m… Read More
Human Preservation Project Puts You in a Comic at NYCC October 19, 2011October 19, 2011We haven’t reported on 5 Gum’s Human Preservation Project viral in a while. The last time we checked in, the third testing facility was getting ready to open. Since then, more mysterious packages have been delivered. Also, during the New York Comic-Con, the Human Preservation Project was present, putting test… Read More
Why are they using GMT as a time zone? That's going to confuse things. Do they actually mean GMT or current UK time (BST)?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bh9IVNnWsR0click above to see TORONTO CANADA – WHO WERE THERE TO TRY AND SAVE FLASHFORWARD on June 10 — Toronto Blackout includes bodies dropping everywhere like flies – “blacking out in their flashforward” + the chaos & aftermath of what happens when people blackout when driving — includes cars flipped – firetrucks etc…. By Myles & Ben Ritchie – University of Hawaii – Toronto Canada Residentsfull length version for more information:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQPQm7QXgM8
Been there, done that. Why does the number of viewings of the video remain at4266 when so many more people just viewed it ?
Been there. Done that. Why does the number of viewings remain at 4266 when many moreof us just viewed the video ?
Save FlashForward – I took part in the Blackout on June 10th – Edinburgh, Scotland. We don't just want, but NEED a season 2!!!!!!!!
Thanks for covering the story! Love the show, and this fan campaign is one of the more inventive ones I've seen. If Family Guy (and now Futurama) can be saved, then FlashForward can be, too!