Try to ‘Take and Escape’ With Takers Online Game Dan Koelsch, June 29, 2010June 29, 2010 Sony Pictures has been really trying to create a strong online presence with their upcoming bank robbery film Takers. We’ve already seen a Facebook app for the action crime ensemble piece, and now we have an actual game. Get the details below. The Takers Game site features an online game called “Take & Escape”. The game is split into two parts. In the first, “The Take”, your bank robbing crew has hit a bank and you need to keep hostages from getting out of hand. In the second part, “The Escape”, you have to take out thugs, phones, and cameras as you make your escape. These games are mindless fun, which has sort of become Sony’s trademark (read: Day X Exists). Takers, directed by John Luessenhop and starring a slew of young actors, is out in theaters on August 27th. Viral Marketing GameSonySony PicturesTakers
Latest Star Wars-Adidas Promo Gives You Control of the Death Star June 30, 2010Adidas has released another viral promotion for their Star Wars line of Adidas Originals. Many of you will remember the deftly made ‘Star Wars Cantina 2010’ video released earlier in the month, which seamlessly placed several of today’s biggest celebrities in the classic scene. The shoe company’s latest viral activity… Read More
Find Out If You Are Expendable June 19, 2010The consensus among most moviegoers is that the summer season thus far has been a bit of a dud. Already halfway through June, few high profile films have caught and maintained the attention of the public. Studios are mobilizing their marketing campaigns around the remaining releases this summer in hopes… Read More
Zombieland goes Viral-ish August 10, 2009June 6, 2010Sony has released a video on YouTube for Zombieland, in which Woody Harrelson and Jesse Eisenberg (in character) give Zombieland Rule #15: Bowling Balls. Watch it below: Apparently there are 47 tips in all, so maybe we’ll see all 47? That would seem way excessive, so I’m guessing Sony will… Read More