Mad Men Yourself With JibJab and Dress Up Game Dan Koelsch, July 6, 2010July 10, 2010 JibJab has become well known for their animated videos that usually parody current events. In the past few years, the entertainment site has also offered ways for you to enter the videos with photos thanks to cutouts. In their latest offering, you and your friends can become characters in the AMC show Mad Men. AMC themselves are also letting you get in on the fun by creating your own Mad Men avatar and dropping him or her in different scenes. Check out my creations after the break.Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab! Try both of these for yourself and post your results in our comments! Season 4 of Mad Men premieres July 25th on AMC. Viral Marketing Viral Videos AMCAvatar CreatorJibJabMad Men
Firefly Video Follow Up: “Simon Tam M.D.” Intro July 14, 2010A few days back, we posted an 80s style intro for Firefly that io9 had made. One of the criticisms was that the character Simon Tam was not given a title card, which io9 explained was due to the video becoming too long. Fortunately, they have rectified the situation with… Read More
Zombify Yourself! September 10, 2009April 30, 2010How did we miss this? We’ve mentioned before the viral happenings surrounding the upcoming horror comedy Zombieland, most notably the clips of Jesse Eisenberg and Woody Harrelson explaining the 47 rules of Zombieland. Well, the folks behind the October film have also introduced a viral site that allows you to actually zombify… Read More
The Time Has Come: Avatarize Yourself January 7, 2010November 16, 2010As if Happy Meals weren’t enough, McDonald’s is now offering the chance for internet users to “avatarize” themselves. Simply upload a picture from your computer or Facebook page, follow a few steps in the program, and you’ll see what you’d look like if you were blue and lived on Pandora. The program… Read More