Mad Men Yourself With JibJab and Dress Up Game Dan Koelsch, July 6, 2010July 10, 2010 JibJab has become well known for their animated videos that usually parody current events. In the past few years, the entertainment site has also offered ways for you to enter the videos with photos thanks to cutouts. In their latest offering, you and your friends can become characters in the AMC show Mad Men. AMC themselves are also letting you get in on the fun by creating your own Mad Men avatar and dropping him or her in different scenes. Check out my creations after the break.Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab! Try both of these for yourself and post your results in our comments! Season 4 of Mad Men premieres July 25th on AMC. Viral Marketing Viral Videos AMCAvatar CreatorJibJabMad Men
Paramount Runs Pair Of ‘Interstellar’ Contests That Will Take Winners To The Edge Of Space October 31, 2014October 31, 2014Interstellar is an unforgettably spectacular visually immersive film going experience unlike any other. Christopher Nolan’s space epic uses elements from other sci-fi space films and mixes them in with his signature style. Now to help promote the film, Paramount revealed they will unveil a space exhibit at the National Air… Read More
Prove You’re a Taker With Facebook March 23, 2010March 23, 2010Sherlock Holmes invited us to team up to solve mysteries and be on the good side of the law by working with friends on Facebook. Takers does the exact opposite. Find out how to be a Taker on Facebook after the jump. Read More
Viral News Viral Video: The 1982 Tron Holiday Special December 20, 2010Sorry to burst your bubble, but there was no holiday special for TRON back in the 80s, as much as we all wish it were true. Fortunately, Funny or Die has the same pipe dreams and regrets as us, so they’ve created their own fake trailer for the would-be special…. Read More