Can You Figure Out The New Let Me In Morse Code? Scott Caldwell, July 15, 2010July 16, 2010 Just in time for Comic-Con, the Let Me In viral site known as HelpMe, has a new Morse code being tapped into the screen. But what does it say? And why is there an entry box just below it? Well, it’s quite simple. Figure out what it says, and move forward. But what is next? Find out more below.Well, I say find out more, but it’s pretty vague as to what happens next. It involves an invitation to a Comic-Con event, but nothing more specific than that. Could be a sneak peek. Maybe an advanced screening? Maybe the next piece of the viral. The only way to tell is to take a shot at the translation and see what you get next weekend. But shhhh. Don’t tell anyone. It’s our little secret.Let Me In is in theaters October 1st, and Comic-Con coverage, including this one, begins July 22nd. Keep checking MovieViral for any, and all updates! Comic-Con Viral Marketing Viral News Comic-ConDefaultHelpme.netLet Me In
Indie Viral: Paul Giamatti’s Cold Souls July 18, 2009July 18, 2009Do you know what this film is? Have you seen the trailer? Our good friends over at FirstShowing have been following Cold Souls for a while, and today they dug up some viral for the flick. The film’s synopsis is as follows: Paralyzed with anxiety over an upcoming role, Paul… Read More
Mission: Icefly- My First Dead Drop Experience November 23, 2011November 23, 2011My final class of the day let out at 12, just as the countdown ended. My phone and laptop were on their way to being dead and I had no life support. Luckily I was able to get to my university’s computer lab and continue watching the countdown page for… Read More
Viral Video: Every Arnold Schwarzenegger Scream Ever November 19, 2010Sure, you know all of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s best one-liners, but what about his famous (and often impersonated) scream? Film Drunk has gone ahead and put all of his yelling into a single loud video. Watch after the break. Read More
referring to this uncoventional morse code table: say: hi he answer: OX