TRON: Legacy Comic-Con Footage Leaked Nick Butler, July 23, 2010July 24, 2010 I’m sure Disney is going to pull this within the hour, so I’m going to keep this short and sweat. The eight minutes of TRON: Legacy footage that was shown at Comic-Con has (finally) made its way onto YouTube. After the jump watch the shaky-handheld-but-watchable video after the break. SourceEDIT: As our commenters have pointed out, the video has been taken down. We’re actively looking for a new one, but who knows if we’ll ever find it. Comic-Con Events News Viral Marketing FootageLeakTron Legacy
Viral Marketing Crazy Bradley Cooper Drug Commercial Is Really Viral Video For Movie December 9, 2010December 10, 2010TMZ of all places reported yesterday on a rather interesting video that’s hit the web. It’s a commercial for a drug called NZT, and Bradley Cooper (though never named) is the sponsor. There’s even a website for the drug. While the ad and website boast the drug’s amazing abilities (and… Read More
LOST Video Round-Up: Fan-Made and Official February 9, 2010February 9, 2010Everyone by now already knows I’m a huge fan of ABC’s LOST and all of the awesome fan-created content that we’ve gotten over the years. I’m also a fan of the Keyboard Cat, a silly YouTube video turned internet meme and later an internet phenomenon. It’s addition to any video… Read More
Viral Review: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen July 2, 2009July 2, 2009Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is our latest film to have its viral end. How did the viral do? Was it interesting? Worth following? Did it give us any insight into characters and background details? Official websites: The Real Effing Deal Run by Leo Spitz (played by Ramon Rodriguez in… Read More