Super 8 Viral: Craigslist Postings Are Gone! Scott Caldwell, July 31, 2010August 25, 2010 Go back to a month ago, and one of the speculations involved with Super 8, were some Craigslists pages found by the hard working crew at Unfiction. While at one point it seemed like a long shot, some new updates to ScariestThingIEverSaw have proven that they were in fact, a part of the viral. Keep reading for more info. One of the more helpful updates to the above mentioned site, are the printouts. While they may come few and far between, they seem to house the most important info. Hence the finding of the Craigslist sites. Well, now thanks to another printout, we can say goodbye to those lists. Take a look.If you’re who I think you are, it’s about your father. I’ll tell you more when i can, but you must take down those sale listings. Anything you found may be important.So will we have to keep an eye out for the next printout, or will the newly updated Rocket Poppeteers lead us to our next piece of the puzzle?Also, for those of us not lucky enough to get our hands on a Rocket Poppeteer t-shirt from Comic-Con in San Diego, well, you’re in luck. There are two shirts up for sale on ebay right now (here and here) and neither one of them are expensive.As always, keep your eyes on the Super 8 page for all info.Source: Super8News Viral Marketing Viral News Comic-ConDefaultJJ AbramsRocket PoppeteersSteven SpielbergSuper 8Viral marketing
Viral Video: “Stand By Me” by The Muppets April 2, 2010While a new Muppet movie is in the works and other Muppet projects are trying to get off the ground, Muppets Studio has been busy churning out charming and hilarious viral videos over the past few months. However, the latest, featuring Big Mean Carl singing the classic song “Stand By… Read More
Viral Video: MTV Movie Awards Promo for Host Aziz Ansari April 30, 2010April 30, 2010The MTV Movie Awards have grown to become one the top award shows in terms of views, though probably not prestige. In honoring that tradition, comedian and actor Aziz Ansari (Funny People, Parks and Recreation) is hosting this year. One of their promos takes a deep look into the question… Read More
Viral Video Round-Up: Star Wars/Tron Mash-Up and Looks At Two Super Bowl Ads February 3, 2011We have a few random viral videos that fell into our laps today, so let’s get them all out of the way in a Viral Video Round-Up. First we have the ultimate geek mash-up between Star Wars and TRON: Legacy. Finally we have Super Bowl ads, with one Star Wars… Read More