Viral Video: Time Crisis Featuring Andy Whitfield Dan Koelsch, August 12, 2010 Freddie Wong has made a name for himself on YouTube by making videos that use some pretty impressive special effects. His latest video is his rendition of a live action Time Crisis, a popular arcade first-person shooter game turned Playstation series. Wong has a special guest co-star for this video, Andy Whitfield of HBO’s Spartacus. Check it out after the break. Fan Made Work Viral News Viral Videos Andy WhitfieldFreddie WongSpartacusTime CrisisViral video
Viral Video: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The Matrix August 24, 2010Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World and The Matrix have a lot in common despite the latter actually being financially successful. Both involve a main character who has to fulfill his potential and defeat a lot of enemies, and both involve another world with its own set of rules. With that… Read More
Viral Video: Sci-Fi Short “ABE” May 1, 2013May 1, 2013Have you ever wanted to know what a psychotic serial killer would be like as a robot? Well, VFX artist Rob McLellan has the answer in his short film ABE. The simplistic video successfully creeped me out. Check it out after the break. Read More
‘Amazing Spider-Man 2’ Tumblr Blog Interviews Spencer Smythe December 4, 2013Much of The Amazing Spider-Man 2‘s tumblr blog has been focused on reporting on OsCorp’s progress on technological advancements or criminal activity. Now a new post changes its direction a bit by posting an exclusive interview between The Daily Bugle and Spencer Smythe. For those that don’t know, Spencer Smythe… Read More
That was just plain fun. Loved it! As a man from the Chicago Whitfield clan, I can honestly say Andy, you're doing us proud! My Grandfather was Everett Whifield on my mother's side. Aside from this bit of fun, you are a really great actor, Stay well, Cuz!