Tron Legacy Operative Phones Are Still In Play Dan Koelsch, August 17, 2010 Briefly: Tron Legacy really kicked off its viral campaign in February, when the Zero Hour website lead to coordinates in cities around the world, where players could pick up dead drop packages that included a pre-paid cell phone that lead to ANOTHER package that some other cool things inside. Now, thanks to players on Unfiction, we know that money has been added to the cell phone accounts, meaning there are more activities ahead. What could they be? Give us your thoughts in the comments below. Viral Marketing Flynn LivesTron LegacyZero Hour
UPDATED: Warner Bros. Kicks Off Viral Campaign For “Man of Steel” With a Countdown December 10, 2012April 14, 2013This is possibly the greatest news I’ve heard in a while, given that I am such a huge fan of Superman. Warner Bros. has a new website that is the homepage for the fictional Deep Space Radio Wave Project, and it appears to be viral marketing for Man of Steel…. Read More
Friday Comic-Con 2009 Updates July 24, 2009June 6, 2010So, by now, Comic-Con is in full swing and updates are pouring in constantly. Here’s the jist of what’s been happening so far: Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland teaser is now online. James Cameron’s epic AVATAR had it’s first footage screened yesterday, and, as expected, everyone loved it. After the… Read More
How Iron Man Should Have Ended And Thor Begins April 30, 2010July 4, 2010Just in time for the Iron Man 2 American premiere, the “How It Should Have Ended” series has shown us a proper ending to the first Iron Man movie. Not only that, but the leaked after-credits scene for Iron Man 2 paves the way for another much anticipated Marvel movie…. Read More
Money has been being dropped into the phones occasionally fairly regularly since they were originally distributed. Until something happens, it just means they’re still keeping them alive for something… sometime…