Tron Legacy: What You Get For Playing The Game Dan Koelsch, February 24, 2010December 1, 2010 Right now cities around the world have locations in arcades where you can get a code for the new Tron Legacy Flynn Lives ARG. The question is, what is the experience like, and what exactly do you get? Luckily we have a play-by-play by a player (or “operative”) who got the Paris code. Going by the name “Miss Selector”, the Paris operative blogged about her entire experience on her website. Be sure to check it out for the full details, but here are some of the highlights. She lives very near to the arcade, so she was the first one there. She finds a lady with a Flynn Lives shirt, who gives her a package (similar to 2012’s drop locations). The package has cell phone to be used with a British phone number. She calls and is given instructions to find ANOTHER secret package, which she finds. It has a Tron wallet with some cool things inside (like a Tron coin). The rest of the blog has her detailing how she entered the code into the website and such. One thing we learned from this is that the “Field Operatives” are indeed the players who got there first and retrieved the code. We’ll have to see how if that list means anything going forward. Viral Marketing Flynn LivesTron LegacyZero Hour
Vauxhall Crossed, A Real Life What IF? January 24, 2010January 24, 2010Wow! You don’t get to see this very often. Our friends at 4DFiction have found a blog about the implementation of a viral campaign for the film Vauxhall Crossed, a low budget film due to be released sometime this year. The blog lays out the purpose of the viral campaign as… Read More
District 9 Interview Videos July 23, 2009January 16, 2010If you head over to, you will see they have loaded up videos of 6 new interviews. However, this time they look to be interviewing people OUTSIDE of Johannesburg, and none of them seem to care for the Non-Humans. I apologize, but I can’t get them to not auto-run. Read More
A New App Asks “Are You Smarter Than An Ape?” July 15, 2011In the reboot of the Planet of the Apes franchise, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, scientists try to cure Alzheimer’s disease with a drug that leads to the dramatic increase of intelligence in a chimpanzee. Of course, in real-life that sort of thing wouldn’t happen, but it has… Read More
Hi again from Paris! The follow up is quite disappointing so far…