New “Halo: Reach” Live Action Trailer Kris, August 18, 2010August 18, 2010 The Halo universe has always been about non-stop futuristic action with continuous explosions, deaths, destruction, and drama. The live-action test footage and trailers have shown it well. That is why this Halo: Reach live action action trailers feel so different. Check out more after the jump. Let’s not forget the first Halo: Reach live action trailer, showing the genetic modifications for Spartan IIIs. The tradition continues again with the latest live action trailer, ironically in a much smaller scale. It has just 3 average space marines standing out in the open near a Warthog.It seems pointless, but it really isn’t. They’re just talking about Noble Team (the main characters in the game), but they also mentioned insurrection. Halo is a dark world on both the Covenant and UNSC sides. It’s often overlooked that the many colonies were at war with each other and that the Spartan program kidnapped innocent children from their parents because the games never really show that, aside from the ODST audio files. Until now.Remember Reach. Viral Marketing Halo Reachlive action trailer
Flash Forward: The Blackout Just Got Bigger June 25, 2010June 25, 2010A couple of weeks ago we reported on a worldwide protest organized by fans of the canceled show Flash Forward. The protest had been staged to bring attention to the number of fans out there who want a second season of the show in order to tie up all the… Read More
A Non-Trekkie’s Guide to the new Star Trek April 7, 2009March 23, 2010“Space: The Final Frontier.” Whether you’re a fan of the Star Trek franchise or not, you’ve probably heard these timeless words. And ‘franchise’ is the right word. With seven television shows, ten movies, and countless novels (not to mention all the merchandising), Star Trek has been a dominating force in… Read More
“The Raven” Interactive Map of Baltimore October 4, 2012Relativity Media’s The Raven comes out on Blu-ray and DVD on Oct. 9th, which has been timed to commemorate Edgar Allan Poe’s death, which was Oct. 7, 1849. In celebration, they have made a new interactive map of Baltimore. Check it out after the break. Read More
There are 3 shorts so far, as of this morning at least, and I’ve got them linked at 🙂
Actually more. While looking at the coding (which I saved) we decoded the script to around 6-7 check it out here