New “Halo: Reach” Live Action Trailer Kris, August 18, 2010August 18, 2010 The Halo universe has always been about non-stop futuristic action with continuous explosions, deaths, destruction, and drama. The live-action test footage and trailers have shown it well. That is why this Halo: Reach live action action trailers feel so different. Check out more after the jump. Let’s not forget the first Halo: Reach live action trailer, showing the genetic modifications for Spartan IIIs. The tradition continues again with the latest live action trailer, ironically in a much smaller scale. It has just 3 average space marines standing out in the open near a Warthog.It seems pointless, but it really isn’t. They’re just talking about Noble Team (the main characters in the game), but they also mentioned insurrection. Halo is a dark world on both the Covenant and UNSC sides. It’s often overlooked that the many colonies were at war with each other and that the Spartan program kidnapped innocent children from their parents because the games never really show that, aside from the ODST audio files. Until now.Remember Reach. Viral Marketing Halo Reachlive action trailer
“Avengers: Age of Ultron”: Have the Best Day Ever with RDJ; New Trailer Thursday! March 3, 2015March 4, 2015We’re a little less than two months away from the debut of Marvel Studio’s follow up to its billion-dollar grossing juggernaut, Avengers: Age of Ultron! The marketing campaign is in full swing now with character poster reveals, TV Spots and now contests. Omaze and Robert Downey, Jr. are offering fans a… Read More
General Zod Has A Message For Earth in “Man of Steel” Viral Video; New Website Goes Live April 14, 2013April 14, 2013This weekend’s Man of Steel viral event seems to have come to an end. Yesterday, the DSRW Project decoded a transmission that contained the message “YOU ARE NOT ALONE”. The Man of Steel official site, which had been counting down to an event by slowly revealing General Zod’s shield symbol… Read More
Alice: Sneak Peek at Tomorrow’s White Rabbit Takeover December 3, 2009December 3, 2009We first reported on the viral campaign for SyFy’s “Alice” yesterday, and now we have some behind the scenes photos from tonight as SyFy gets ready for their New York takeover in the morning. We also have a press release in which part of it describes the event in more… Read More
There are 3 shorts so far, as of this morning at least, and I’ve got them linked at 🙂
Actually more. While looking at the coding (which I saved) we decoded the script to around 6-7 check it out here