New Viral Site For Stephen King’s “Bag of Bones” Nick Butler, November 10, 2011 A new viral website for A&E’s upcoming two-part miniseries “Bag of Bones,” which is based the Stephen King bestselling novel, was discovered yesterday – and it looks pretty interesting. Dark Score Stories gives you an interactive way to explore the background of some of the main characters, who narrate several images of themselves in a slideshow. It also gives some insight to Dark Score Lake, which acts as the setting of the story. More after the break. The site was created by Campfire, a marketing agency founded by the creators of The Blair Witch Project. That means there’s definitely more to this site than meets the eye. In fact, some have already started finding hidden messages on the site. If you find anything, and we know there’s quite a few goodies to be found, let us know in the comments below.Bag of Bones, starring Pierce Brosnan, Melissa George, and Jason Priestley is set to air December 11th and 12th on A&E. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Viral News Bag of BonesCampfireStephen KingViral Site
Watch the Super Bowl Trailers for “Battle: Los Angeles”, “Pirates”, and the Rest February 6, 2011February 6, 2011Earlier this evening we brought you the Super Bowl ads for Super 8, Thor, Captain America, Transformers: Dark of the Moon, and Cowboys & Aliens. There were many more ads for movies during the big game, so click through to see them all. Read More
Veronica Mars Movie Kickstarter Breaks Backer Record With 7 Hours To Go April 12, 2013We are in the final hours of the historic Veronica Mars Movie Kickstarter, and just a little bit ago they broke another record. The previous record for most backers for a single project was 87,142 for Double Fine Adventure, but as of this article’s writing, Veronica Mars is at 87,890… Read More
“G.I. Joe: Retaliation” Viral: Cobra is Calling You to Join their Special Forces April 25, 2012April 25, 2012It would sound really bad if I asked you if I gave you an exciting opportunity to join a terrorist organization, but considering this is for Cobra, I think I can make an exception. A viral campaign for G.I. Joe: Retaliation has launched in the form of a Cobra Special… Read More