Star Wars Uncut Is Complete Dan Koelsch, August 22, 2010 For those of you not in the know, Star Wars Uncut is a project started by Vimeo developer Casey Pugh to create a collective fan made version Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope. Through the project’s website, Pugh got creative fans to recreate 15 second clips of classic sci fi film, and let fans vote to decide which ones would make the final cut (sound familiar?). Now the project is complete, and Pugh and the gang are just dealing with legal issues before they can release it. See the trailer and a scene from the edited film after the break. Trailer: “The Escape” Scene: You can actually watch the entire fan film here, though it’s formatted as a series of clips until they are allowed to show it as one complete video. Fan Made Work Viral News Viral Videos A New HopeFan MadeStar WarsStar Wars UncutViral video
Viral Video: The Sound of TRON Legacy December 7, 2010Soundworks Collection has a very insightful video that focuses on the music and sound design for Disney’s TRON: Legacy. The site talks with Sound Re-Recording Mixer Gary Rizzo, Supervising Sound Editor Gwen Yates Whittle, and Sound Designer Steve Boeddeke about how the music and sound effects are essential to the… Read More
“Apollo 18″ Gets Teaser Poster and Possible Viral Video November 24, 2010October 18, 2011Did you know that there was secret mission to the moon that happened after Apollo 17? Well, that’s the premise of producer Timur Bekmambetov’s Apollo 18, which speculates that the reason it was secret is because we found (presumably violent) aliens. Yesterday brought us not only the first official teaser… Read More
Battle: Los Angeles – Classic Sony Viral At Comic-Con July 21, 2010January 19, 2011Once you create a website, that is obviously far from the title of the film, you enter this wonderful world of viral marketing. And then, there is Sony. They seem to go their own route. The route of luring you into this amazing feeling of finding something above and beyond… Read More