IRL: Nike’s Back To The Future Auto-Lacing Shoe Dan Koelsch, August 26, 2010September 7, 2011 In Real Life (IRL) is a new feature in which we highlight real world things that are directly inspired by (or strikingly resemble things from) the movies. You may remember when we told you about the DIY auto-lacing shoes that were inspired by Back To The Future II (aka “power laces”). Now it looks like the big guns are looking to try it themselves, as Nike has filed a patent for just such a thing. Take a look at the patent and sketches after the break. Source: Engadget Viral News Back to the futureIRLNike
Fan-Made Video Game Movie Posters Reminds Us Of Genre’s Potential August 4, 2012I have never been a gamer, but I have nonetheless been confounded over Hollywood’s inability to successfully adapt some of today’s most prominent game properties into feature films (instead focusing their attention on board games). The graphics in video games are increasingly astounding and are often accompanied by interesting storylines…. Read More
Winter Is Coming, So Download The “Game Of Thrones”-Themed “Cards Against Humanity” Now May 30, 2014May 30, 2014Cards Against Humanity is just one of those games you feel dirty playing but can’t help but laugh while playing with a group of friends. The combination of cards that can be played in Cards Against Humanity is endless. Using answers like sharp witty and very dark humorous answers to… Read More
Viral Video Round Up: Bert and Ernie, Lion King 3D, R2D2, Tron, Jim Carrey, And More! August 28, 2011October 18, 2011The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break.Pages: 1 2 Read More
Now we can get fatter and fatter and not have to worry about bending over and tying our shoelaces anymore. Finally! 🙂
@VanGoghX Grow up you butt head, you swear like not tying your shows will make you obese… You are delusional.