DJ Steve Porter Remixes NBC’s Community Again Dan Koelsch, September 14, 2010 Last fall, DJ Steve Porter did a music video remix using clips from NBC’s Community. The Internet sensation (and ESPN SportsNation favorite) is back at it again, this time in what seems to be an official manner. Porter’s latest video is to promote the Season 1 DVD release of Community, which is due out September 21st. Source: Viral Marketing Viral Videos CommunityDJ Steve PorterNBCViral video
Disney & XPRIZE Assembling Young Heroes To Form Real-Life ‘Big Hero 6’ September 17, 2014Disney loves to partner up with nonprofit groups for exciting contests while tying it to marketing their tentpole films. Sure it may sound like a marketing plug, it also helps the younger audience to be inspired to do good in the field of academics, citizenship, etc. So for the upcoming… Read More
Indominus Rex Teased On ‘Jurassic World’ Viral Website January 29, 2015January 29, 2015Though we got to see only a couple of dinosaurs in the first trailer for Colin Treverrow’s Jurassic World, we never got to see the hybrid dinosaur that Bryce Dallas Howard’s character “cooked up.” Well it looks like that may change. The site sat practically unnoticed since the debut of… Read More
The Amazing Spider-Man: Webbed Menace Website Lists Sightings March 25, 2012It looks like your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man is keeping busy, as there have been multiple sightings all over the world. The Webbed Menace website now has a section that lists user-submitted sightings of the Web Crawler. Read More