Latest Video From “They’re Here” Takes A Different Perspective Dan Koelsch, September 15, 2010September 27, 2010 We’ve been following the progression of the online marketing for They’re Here, a film we know very little about other than it may be about an alien invasion. We’ve seen a few videos so far that show UFOs in poor quality footage, but now we have one (apparently over Glasgow) that might be from the alien’s point of view, as the tag line “we’re here” seems to imply. Take a look at the latest video after the break. Viral Marketing Viral Videos They're HereViral video
“Evil Dead” Remake Gets Interactive Homepage March 9, 2013March 9, 2013The Evil Dead dead opened at SXSW this weekend, but most of us will have to wait until April 5th to see if the horror flick lives up to the cult classic. Fortunately, the film’s website lets you explore the haunted cabin that the main characters get holed up in…. Read More
Ben Stiller Brings Back Zoolander for SNL October 10, 2011On this weekend’s episode of Saturday Night Live, Ben Stiller hosted to promote his upcoming comedy Tower Heist. While the reviews were mixed, we were a few highlights, including Derek Zoolander making an appearance on Weekend Update, as well as a parody trailer for Moneyball. Check out both clips after… Read More
JibJab Puts You in a Katy Perry Music Video June 30, 2012The concert film Katy Perry: Part of Me 3D opens in theaters on July 5th, and to promote the film, Paramount has teamed up with Jib Jab to let you and your friends be in the “California Girls” music video in the way only JibJab can. Check out the version… Read More