Watch All Of Conan’s “Missing You” Commercials Dan Koelsch, September 29, 2010 For the past two weeks, TBS has been rolling out a bunch of 20 second TV spots (9 so far) for the new Conan O’Brien show. The “Missing You” series of ads has John Waite’s 1984 hit song of the same name playing over people who are coping with missing Conan. They are all pretty funny, though the string dance one is my favorite. Featured on the Team Coco YouTube channel, you can check out all the ones that have come out so far after break. You can see a few 30 second mashup ads on the Team Coco page as well. Conan premieres on TBS on November 8th at 11pm. Viral Marketing Viral Videos ConanConan O'BrienTBSViral video
Newest LOST LOL Caption References Avatar February 5, 2010Funny and cute captions for images has been a staple on the Internet for years (see: LOLcats), with some of the funniest coming from images that are on their own serious or unrelated to the topic of the caption. Taking pictures out of context and mentioning other Internet memes and… Read More
Picture Yourself In Monster Form With The “Monsters University” Create-A-Monster App June 7, 2013April 15, 2015Do you want to be admitted into the fabled Monsters University but can’t because you’re a human? Well don’t fret, because now you can transform into monster form using the Create-a-Monster app! Before you start heading over to admissions however, you will want to find out more about this revolutionary… Read More
‘The Virginity Hit’ Billboards Cause Controversy September 1, 2010A few weeks ago, we told you about the toll free number used to promote the Will Ferrell produced comedy The Virginity Hit. Now the number is being advertised through billboards, and it is causing quite a stir. Get the details after the break. Read More