Watch All Of Conan’s “Missing You” Commercials Dan Koelsch, September 29, 2010 For the past two weeks, TBS has been rolling out a bunch of 20 second TV spots (9 so far) for the new Conan O’Brien show. The “Missing You” series of ads has John Waite’s 1984 hit song of the same name playing over people who are coping with missing Conan. They are all pretty funny, though the string dance one is my favorite. Featured on the Team Coco YouTube channel, you can check out all the ones that have come out so far after break. You can see a few 30 second mashup ads on the Team Coco page as well. Conan premieres on TBS on November 8th at 11pm. Viral Marketing Viral Videos ConanConan O'BrienTBSViral video
Exclusive: We Help “Find Me Event” Unleash Their Abduction Video October 14, 2011October 14, 2011A few months ago we did an article on Find Me Event, the ARG where you, the viewer, takes part in locating a prisoner locked away by the evil Architect. This past week we gave you guys even more information with a promise that something big is right around the… Read More
Chart: TV University Faculty Roster June 4, 2010June 4, 2010Reddit has a great photo that shows a flow chart of an ideal University’s faculty if it was made up of TV characters/personalities. There are a few movie characters sprinkled in as well, but no one is perfect. The choices are rather ingenious, such as Forrest Gump teaching Track &… Read More