Timacious’s Latest Music Video Has Easter Eggs To “What’s In The Box” Viral Kris, September 28, 2010 Tim Smit’s first music video for Daybroke’s “Hey Girl” led us to a Cars clip for his What’s In The Box Viral, and confirmed that the feature film adaption is still happening. Now he has uploaded the much anticipated “Sabotage” music video (again by the band Daybroke) and, as expected, there are hints to Babel Research, the Cars clip, and more! When Tim posted on his YouTube channel that “There is much more to come. Things have been crazy. S.t.a.y. T.u.n.e.d.”, he wasn’t kidding. Soon afterward we got the destructive (now deleted) teaser for Sabtage, and now the fully apocalyptic Sabatoge Music Video. Unlike his previous video that had just a few hints and led us to the Cars snippet, this time it’s more easter eggs than actual clues. Still, being that this is Tim Smit we’re talking about, there is much more than meets the eye. Here is the complete list of the Easter Eggs that have been found so far thanks to Wikibruce. Babel Research is the company in the viral most responsible for everything. Once again it is most prominent and easiest hint to find in this music video. At 0:42, the Drink box is labeled “Babel Products”, “100% sugar daddy” At 2:26, two trucks collide, one belonging to Babel Products, transporting Cola. (the blue truck looks like it’s labeled “Mintos”) Tenacious D has been included in the first viral site whatsinthebox.nl, of which Tim is obviously a huge fan of. At 1:52, a guy is wearing a Tenacious D t-shirt At 1:14, the car’s license plate reads “THE D” The Cars video, showing several objects such as automobiles, a carrier and it’s planes, etc. floating in the air is played on a TV. At 1:19, a TV inside the building is playing the boxblip “Cars” video previously discovered. For more easter eggs, check out Wikibruce’s page logging the entire viral. Not included in the page, however, is the actual Box’s appearence. As Youtube user 6Tp399 noted, there are some interesting sights at 1:06 (the box itself) and 2:33 (UEC on sign). See them in the pictures below circled in yellow and red, respectively. No changes in the actual viral campaign, but I suspect that there will soon. We’ll keep you updated when we know more. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Viral Videos DaybrokeTim SmitViral videoWhat's In The Box?
The Crazies: A Downward Viral January 21, 2010January 21, 2010Update: The link to the Ogden Marsh Sheriff’s Department has been fixed. If you have been following the viral campaign for The Crazies, you may notice a few odd things. A few things that do just not seem to fit. A few things flat out wrong. This campaign seems to… Read More
When Virals Fail To Live Up to Their Potential April 7, 2011April 7, 2011Movie virals have always been a huge part of the film industry since the dawn of its simplest form; the movie trailer. Its only now that virals have become more prevalent to studios since they introduced a more interactive version for fans and moviegoers. There are effective virals, the virals… Read More
Viral Trends: Republic Project Wants To Change The Way Marketing Campaigns Update Content September 12, 2012This is the first in a new feature that we will cover for the site called Viral Trends. Our hope is to highlight some of the latest trends in online advertising and marketing currently happening outside our entertainment niche and explain how the industries and properties we cover might benefit… Read More
I do intend to get a couple of other items added to the list on wikibruce 🙂 The 1:06 box I hadn’t noted before, but there’s also an instance of reverse letters on a wall. Keeping an eye open for any additional hidden gems!