“Paranormal Activity 2″ Viral: Confusing… Or Working? Scott Caldwell, October 15, 2010October 18, 2010 I’m just going to get this out in the open. There is no reason for me to lie to you. We’ve know each other for a long time, so here it is. What in the hell is going on with Paranormal Activity 2? I’m serious. I have no idea what I am looking at. The first had one path, it took it, and that path lead to the promise land. This film, is going down a path of uncharted waters. And guess what? If it’s legit………. it’s brilliant!! (again). You thought the first attempt had a feeling of reality, well check out this one. Keep reading for more. When the first film came out, the fact that all it needed was talk, was amazing. The film cost nothing to make, made a ton, had everyone talking, and now the sequel is going in a direction that impresses the hell out of me. You want to talk about word of mouth……this one has a whole other side. If you remember not too long ago, I mentioned the whole “college website” theme, and how the site was also investigating it’s tie in with the film. Well now, that link that I figured would go nowhere, turns out to go, well, somewhere. That same link was a strategically placed advert to get the curious a little extra something in their hands. Check out what DreadCentral received just by responding to the ad:Names look pretty familiar, huh? Now, all could still be fake, and whomever is doing it could be using Franklin Pierce as a cover, or, it could all be one piece of puzzle that is more cleverly done than talk. What do you think about all of this? Viral Marketing Viral News Paranormal Activity 2Pranormal Activity
Viral Sites For ‘INSIDIOUS’ Have Finally Creeped In March 9, 2011March 9, 2011Just the other day we had shown you the “coming soon” site holders for the INSIDIOUS viral, and today, they are up and running. And if they are giving us any clues as to how disturbing the film could be, then we may have ourselves a true horror film. Keep… Read More
Tron Legacy: Trailer Shown At IMAX Event, Now What… February 27, 2010December 3, 2010Well, the IMAX ‘exclusive limited event’ for Tron Legacy ended a few hours ago and MovieViral has received various reports about it. WHAT WE KNOW: We know that a trailer, about 2.5 minutes long, was shown to the fans who went to this event. From what we’ve heard, it’s a… Read More
Mark of the Spider-Man Viral Continues With Tagging Events Around Country, New York and Phoenix Tonight February 17, 2012March 21, 2012The new The Amazing Spider-Man viral campaign, Mark of the Spider-Man, continued over the course of the past few days; following on from the operative hunts in 6 cities on Tuesday, the 30 selected ‘operatives’ who were successful, have received instructions via phone to meet up in certain places in their specific cities…. Read More