Paranormal Activity 2: Creepy Phone Call Leads To Katie’s Voicemail Dan Koelsch, October 19, 2010 Briefly: While the viral marketing for Paranormal Activity 2 is not really streamlined or narrative in nature, it’s still fascinating. Dread Central got a phone call last night (which you can hear on the site) from what appeared to be a frantic Katie (from the first film) trying to get ahold of her sister. The Coronado, CA number the call came from is (619) 878-6220, which sends you to a the voicemail for Katie and Micah. Pretty freaky stuff. Call the number to hear for yourself. Paranormal Activity 2 opens this Friday. Viral Marketing Paranormal Activity 2Phone CallTelephone
Rocket Poppeteers Gives A Pop Quiz! September 27, 2010Now that Super 8 is going into full swing with its casting and location filming, it’s only appropriate for the viral to update as well. For those of you who signed up at the Rocket Poppeteer site, you were more than likely miffed about the lack of response. Well, because… Read More
Rocket Poppeteers Tweets Comic-Con Updates July 23, 2010October 18, 2010One of the things that Dan had mentioned he missed while in the streets of San Diego, was an ice cream truck belonging to Rocketpoppeteers. Well, with the help of a new Twitter account, you don’t have to miss them again. In addition to listing out their stops, they have… Read More
Universal Buys “Grim Night” After Trailer Goes Viral October 27, 2011October 27, 2011You know your work never goes unnoticed when you have studios vying for your indie work. That’s what happen when Universal won the rights to Brandon Bestenheider and Allen Bey’s Grim Night. Basically the films is about two people who lock themselves in their homes in an effort to hide… Read More