“Godzilla” Viral Campaign Demands The Truth Michael Lee, April 1, 2014March 31, 2014 The Godzilla viral marketing campaign has seen some major updates in the last few days. First we got to know some of the main characters from the film through the film’s MutoResearch viral site. Now the team at Legendary along with Warner Bros are working together on the social media end.The two have debuted a brand new poster which you can show to your friends by sharing the image on Facebook and Twitter with #DemandToKnow. Fans will be able to “awaken the truth,” which we’re hoping is code for a new image or trailer. Hit the jump to check it out.Click on the image to see the full version of this poster. Starring Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Ken Watanabe, Elizabeth Olsen, Juliette Binoche, Sally Hawkins, David Strathairn and Bryan Cranston, Godzilla, the Gareth Edwards-directed film opens in theaters on May 16.An epic rebirth to Toho’s iconic Godzilla, this spectacular adventure pits the world’s most famous monster against malevolent creatures who, bolstered by humanity’s scientific arrogance, threaten our very existence. ARGs & Campaigns Social Networks Viral Marketing Viral News Gareth EdwardsGodzillaLegendary PicturesWarner Bros
“Green Lantern” Gets ‘Got Milk?’ Ad, Viral Site, And More May 28, 2011Remember when we were all worried that Green Lantern would not have much of a marketing push due to difficulties with its special effects? It seems that in the weeks since Warner Bros. tempered marketing expectations, fans have faced a barraged of trailers, television spots, viral websites, and much more…. Read More
“Pacific Rim” Viral Campaign Launches New Emergency Alert Warning System November 28, 2012November 28, 2012It’s been a while since we’ve covered anything on Guillermo Del Toro’s upcoming intense sci-fi actioner Pacific Rim. When we last posted on the film, we learned that along with the recruiting posters that were handed out during Comic-Con, there was also a comic-book tie in that would focus on… Read More
Viral Video Round Up: @SleepySkunk, The Walking Dead, Captain Planet, And More! December 2, 2012The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break. Read More