Video From “The Walking Dead” Invasion Dan Koelsch, October 27, 2010October 30, 2010 Tuesday morning zombies invaded the world, and we have the video tape to prove it! Fox International Channels coordinated a worldwide zombie attack to promote the upcoming series The Walking Dead. Click through to see what it looked like. Watch more videos of invasions in specific cities at the FIC YouTube page for The Walking Dead. The show premieres in the US on AMC on Halloween. FIC will premiere it internationally during the first week of November. More sources for The Walking Dead:MicroSite – Facebook –!/pages/FIC-The-Walking-Dead/153913214650258 Twitter – Viral Marketing AMCFox International ChannelsThe Walking DeadZombies
Viral Campaign for Disney’s “Tron” Sequel July 21, 2009August 17, 2010A couple film blogs were sent these packages from a San Diego company known as ‘PMB’. Inside were these tokens: That is, indeed, the same Flynn known as the ‘Home of Tron’ from the first movie. Also in the packages were thumb drives with these images, labeled as ‘4.gif’: That… Read More
Holy Websites, Batman! – A Viral In The Making? July 13, 2010July 13, 2010Remember the “Experience” from Sony? The one that handed us the viral sites, as opposed to letting us find them? You know, the ones from District 9 and 2012? Well apparently there is a viral campaign in the making that has been found, way before it started. What it’s for… Read More
You Don’t Need a VCR to Watch These Three Clips From “Paranormal Activity 3” September 27, 2011Back in July, we turned our attention to Darren’s Timeless Memories, a small viral site conducted by Paramount Pictures to promote Paranormal Activity 3. The site hinted at who should we expect to see in the highly anticipated prequel and now the studio has mailed out VHS tapes to blogs… Read More