Check Out Disneyland’s “Tron Legacy”-Themed World of Color Dan Koelsch, October 31, 2010 Disney is pulling out all the stops with Tron Legacy. Not only has California Adventure’s Hollywood Backlot has been transformed into a Tron party called “ElecTRONica“, but now the World of Color has been changed as well. Watch a video of the new water show after the break. See more videos of the spectacle from different views over at /Film. Viral Marketing Viral Videos DisneylandTron LegacyWorld of Color
Get a Free Early Screening To “Paul” If Your Name is Paul (and you live in the UK) February 2, 2011February 2, 2011Those Brits across the pond already have it good by getting to see Universal’s alien comedy Paul a full month before theaters get it in the States. Now HeyUGuys blog has a contest where Britons can see it even earlier if their name is Paul. Get the details after the… Read More
‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ Launches Early Viral Marketing Campaign September 24, 2014September 24, 2014It is never too early to start a marketing campaign for a film like X-Men: Apocalypse. And 20th Century Fox is starting some very early marketing promotion for the upcoming film, which will be directed by Byran Singer, by launching two new viral marketing websites. The film is actually no… Read More
District 9 Viral: “George” Explained and Christopher Addresses Arc Gun on Ebay August 6, 2009August 6, 2009On a call with a Sony representative today, we got a little insight into the reasoning behind the change in names of the blogger on If you don’t know what I’m talking about, read my original article about it. Apparently, the blog site was originally designed to be autonomous… Read More