Paranormal Activity 2 Trailer Debuts, Pulled From Some Theaters For Being Too Scary Dan Koelsch, July 1, 2010 The first trailer for Paranormal Activity 2 debuted this week online and in front of The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, and it’s pretty scary. Unfortunately, it also gives away the ending of the first film, but it’s the scariness of the teaser that has gotten at least one theater chain to stop showing it due to complaints. The independent horror film Paranormal Activity opened nationally in theaters last year after a big viral push. The word of mouth, Demand It! feature on Eventful, and clever advertising made its wide release possible. The $15,000 film ended up grossing almost $200 million worldwide, and Paramount is hoping to replicate that success this year with the sequel, due out just before Halloween. Paramount has released an intense teaser trailer for Paranormal Activity 2 in an attempt to also replicate the viral buzz of the original. The teaser shows two of the last scenes of the first film, but that shouldn’t be a surprise, as the one of PA’s trailers also gave away one of those scenes. The intensity of the trailer has actually garnered some complaints from theater-goers, causing Cinemark to yank it from screenings of Eclipse, which it is attached to. That’s one surefire way to create buzz. Check out the trailer below. You may notice what looks to be Katie Featherson’s character Katie in the new scene, implying that she survived the original film, though probably with the demon still inside her. There’s also some writing on the floor, though only in the mirror, as Slashfilm notes. The writing says “What is happening to hunter?”, which is presumably the baby, since it’s the only human in scene (outside of Katie), and his reflection doesn’t match what he’s really doing. Creepy. Paranormal Activity 2 opens in theaters on October 25th. It is directed by Tod ‘Kip’ Williams, written by Michael Perry, and produced by the first film’s director and writer Oren Peli. News Viral Marketing Viral Videos Eclipseparanormal activityTrailerTwilight
TRON Tuesday: Sirens Dress Sam Video November 16, 2010It’s once again TRON Tuesday, a weekly update from Disney on the upcoming TRON: Legacy movie that usually includes some sort of new media. This week is much the same, as we get a clip of the sirens dressing Sam to get ready for his disc match. Watch for yourself… Read More
Iron Man 2 Viral: Stark Expo Website Launched March 30, 2010March 30, 2010When we last left the Iron Man 2 viral, all we really had was a website for Stark Industries. Now Marvel Entertainment has launched a new website for this year’s Stark Expo that features prominently in the comic book movie sequel. Find out more about after the jump. Read More
Could This Weird Video Be Viral for a Band? December 9, 2009March 16, 2010Thanks to the lack of a comprehensive viral campaign the likes of District 9 or 2012, we have a little more time now to find some more obscure viral. Check out the video below, posted on a YouTube account titled “iamamiwhoami“. I have to warn you first that it’s a… Read More
it unusual for a baby to be called hunter, i didnt know its a name, but i saw in the mirror the baby standing in its cot, but out of the mirror the crib has no baby seen in it, and who is that woman becuase it cant be Katie becuse we never saw a baby in the first film.