Become a Film Producer For Only $1 Dan Koelsch, November 2, 2010September 15, 2012 Frank Kelly, the Irish director of the innovative documentary 140, is working on his next project, and he is once again relying on crowdsourcing for some help. You can become an Associate Producer on the dark crime thriller Derelict for as little as one dollar. Find out how after the break. We covered Kelly’s previous crowdsourcing film 140 for the Newport Beach Film Festival (read my review here). In that documentary, Kelly got 140 people to shoot 140 seconds of footage at the exact same time through Twitter. It was definitely an interesting experiment, and he cut it together well. Now he’s moving on to fiction, but he’s looking for some help financing. If you donate at least $1 (well, €1 really) to Frank Kelly’s Blog, you will get a credit, on screen, as an Associate Producer. Shooting starts in January, and if you donate, you’ll get regular updates on the film, as well as a chance to see an online premiere before anyone else. Derelict is a dark crime thriller, about a gang of kidnappers who hold a bankers family hostage in a derelict building. One of the kidnappers takes the banker away to rob his bank, while the others stay behind with his family. As the night wears on tension rise between them, but that not all they quickly realise that they are not alone in the building. Viral Marketing 140CrowdsourcingDerelictFrank Kelly
Viral Video: Avatar… with Babies February 20, 2010February 21, 2010The beginning of the year is a popular time to make viral videos based off movies. Last winter we saw multitudes of Twilight parodies, and this year we have Avatar. Sketch comedy artists The Midnight Show have made a trailer for a version of Avatars where adults are the aliens… Read More
New Viral Posters for “Total Recall” Include Anti-Rekall Group June 20, 2012July 8, 2012Earlier this month, posters for the fictional company Rekall began popping up in Hollywood and likely other cities. The posters link to the memory vacation company at the heart of Total Recall. SuperHeroHype found more posters online, including one with star Colin Farrell for No Rekall, the group that is… Read More
“Prometheus” Viral Campaign Continues On With Recruitment At San Diego Comic-Con June 27, 2012August 4, 2012Normally a viral campaign would end when the film opens theatrically. But a new viral video for Prometheus has appeared online today that disproves that notion. Previous campaigns have focused on Elizabeth Shaw’s plea to Weyland to fund the fateful expedition, a description of a med pod, and a test… Read More