Black Swan Viral Website Has Secret Video, Plus Feathers Mailed Out Dan Koelsch, November 5, 2010 Darren Aronofsky’s Black Swan looks to be a pretty demented film (as is par for the course with the director). In it, Natalie Portman plays a ballerina trying out for ‘Swan Lake’ who starts to turn into a swan herself. A viral website debuted a few weeks ago, and now it has been updated with a secret video. If you go to, you’ll see the calendar that counts down to “opening night”. Each date has a quick video you can watch from the film, but a new discovery was made recently. If you type any letter while on the site, that letter pops up on screen. More importantly, if you type in “Rothbart”, the name of the villian in ‘Swan Lake’, an intense secret video fills the screen. So far no other words have been found to show videos, but definitely try it out for yourself to see what you can find. In related news, Alex from FirstShowing received an envelope in the mail from Portman’s character Nina Sayers. In it, there are a black and white feathers, and nothing else. What could it mean? Check out his post to see a picture. We’ll keep you up to date on any more viral news from the film. Fox Searchlight Pictures releases Black Swan on December 3rd. The psychological thriller also stars Mila Kunis and Vincent Cassel and is written by Mark Heyman, Andres Heinz, and John McLaughlin. Viral Marketing Black Swan
“Community” Background Storyline Finds Life Online October 13, 2010One of the great things about the Internet is its ability to highlight things that would otherwise go unnoticed. This has had great political and business ramifications, but has mainly impacted electronic media. Shows like LOST, which pack of lot of information into a single show or even scene, can… Read More
NBC’s ‘The Event’ Adds Character Twitters and New Viral Website September 20, 2010September 26, 2010The Event premieres tonight on NBC, and if the mystery grabs you, there are some crafty online options for you to peel away the secrecy. First of all, many of the big characters have their own Twitter accounts. Also, a blog has been created for someone who is seeking the… Read More
“The Optimist” Explores Walt’s Haunts & Connections To Brad Bird’s “Tomorrowland” July 30, 2013July 30, 2013Just a few days after Comic-Con kicked off, The Optimist, a viral campaign for Brad Bird’s Tomorrowland, was launched. Little was known about the actual ARG, and since it’s debut earlier this July, fans and players have been combing through the site in hopes of finding another clue to the… Read More